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Beyond the Sea


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Hello all. BaldurAnthology here. My therapist suggested I try sole management, so as to practice GOOD management and conflict resolution skills. I got the idea of perhaps making a RP where you are in Rapture around the point that sh*t hit the fan. This will be largely story based, and considering I will be allowing people to be Big Daddies, with a Little Sister, or even a Big Sister, I am not gonna be TOO uptight about what would normally be OP. Still, No wiping 10 guys out in 1 post, give others a chance to get their hits in. RP LOCATED HERE


Official rules are;


1) NO Spamming! This discussion thread is for RP related business ONLY. Keep Non-RP related things to PMs please.


2) BE Polite! I want this discussion thread to be civil, and I will do my best to both maintain and practice that one. Also if you are going to contact other members regarding Role Play, Be Polite! Any rude or nasty conversations may end up being reported to myself and it will be dealt with accordingly.


3) ALL Plans must be outlined HERE! Plans made in PM between 2 members will not be acknowledged unless they are placed HERE. So, say.. if you want to arrange a kidnapping, and someone else saves the person you try to kidnap, do not complain we interfered with a "plan". If it was not here, it is not recognized. Had problems with that in a few others.


4) Personal Problems are to be kept out of the RP and the Discussion forum! If you have issues with a person, then ignore it here. They are just another person wanting to have fun here, same as you.


5) No more than one or two sentences of OOC in the RP. Saying "Can someone else play the monster" Is acceptable, "Duude why did you do that? That was my town, shot monster whatever" Is not. That sort of business is to be conducted Here or via PM


6) No Flaming. I don't care if you don't like what someone says. If you feel it is inappropriate, contact Me, and it will be dealt with.


7) No Double Posting! Keep what you have to say within 1 post please!


8 No OP posts. There will be no "Wiping out 10 men in one fell swoop" here. I reserve judgement on what is OP.


9) No Dictating Hits on other people's Characters or their NPCs. You may attack, attempt to steal, whatever. However it is up to the person who controls what you are attacking whether or not you hit, kill or they dodge. You can't go "You can't get me" but you don't need to let every blow land, and it is up to you whether or not you die.


10) Give others a chance to post! If you see a name in Italics like BaldurAnthology that means they are writing a post, and you should wait until they have posted.


11) This RP is to be kept to PG14 behavior, Anything "Mature" Please conduct via PM. I do allow kissing and making out however, seeing as you see that on soap operas and standard TV shows.


12) Relationships are Allowed. You may have Heterosexual or Homosexual relationships, I do not discriminate. I expect the rest of you to follow that as well.


Lastly, Have Fun! No one likes a buzzkill!


Oh, and I will be instating a 3 strike Policy. After your first warning you get a strike, three strikes you are out, refuse to leave Admin get notified. Thank you for your cooperation.


Character sheets are below. Feel free to ask questions or PM me with any concerns.








Race: (Asian, Caucasian, etc. Big Daddy with Little Sister, Big Sister)











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NAME: Charles Meriwether Greenrose (Doesn't mind being called "Charlie".)


AGE: 44




RACE: Caucasian (White)


PERSONALITY: Noble, even-tempered, and laid back. Can seem heartless at times due to his pragmaticism and cold, calculating nature, but has a good heart underneath. Is usually fairly blunt and tactless in his speech since he prefers to not have to dither around with anything serious. He also enjoys a good game of chess sometimes.


WEAPON: His old AK-47 and Mac10 (military model and thus legally full-auto) from his army days as a Delta Force member. Is also good with machines as per his specialization in the Delta Force


APPEARANCE: Six feet and five inches tall. Mostly pale skin with a farmer's tan on his forearms. Grayish-blue eyes and semi-short, curly dark brown hair. Moderate build but still kind of slim as with most tall folks.


CLOTHING: Longsleeved polo shirt and blue jeans. Also, his old kevlar vest from his military days. (May resist small arms fire like 9mm., but it's not overly tough stuff. Also not much use against blades, so a knife or larger bullet in the torso will still be trouble.)


HISTORY/BACKGROUND: The son of two engineers, Charles joined the military right out of high school. After about years, he went into the Delta Force as a machinist, assisting his team both with his bullets and his mechanical expertise gleaned from the tutelage from his parents and military training. He retired after an extended run in the army at age thirty-three. One of his former Delta teammates and a close friend of his moved to Rapture upon hearing of it. A couple of years later, Charles received a letter from said friend inviting him to visit him in Rapture, saying what an amazing place it was. Using the combined funds from his own savings account and his parents' old account left to him in the father's will, he set out for Rapture with nothing but his money, his car, and his traveling case packed with clothes, basic hygiene items, and of course his old AK-47 and Mac10 with a few magazines for each. His stay in Rapture was only two weeks old when suddenly, things went to hell. Another two weeks later, with his friend dead and his firearms as his only remaining companions, his story begins.

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That is a rather standard number to start with, so I was hoping yeah, like four members. *Smiles ruefully* I hole the presence of ME won't drive people off from trying this RP. I mean, I have unfortunately established a not-so-good reputation. However, the rules state, leave your problems OUT of this RP. Same as my HOH RP, and my old Skyrim one that closed due to stupidity on my part. :D So, Yeah, 4 members to start, lets hope people don't pass it because it's ME. I know for certain we have you, and me, and IronAlpha said in PM he was thinkin up a character.
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Name: Dylan Hill


Age: 27


Gender: Male


Race: Native American (NorthEastern)


Personality: Laidback, casual, informal, bordering on crude. Doesn't care for anything he has no need for.


Weapon: Advanced Incinerate! Plasmid, revolver, pocket knife.


Appearance: 5'8 with a muscular build. Defined jawline and cheekbones, not altogether un-handsome. Tanned skin, short unkempt brown hair.


Clothing: Basic white tee and jeans. Keeps his gun in one pocket and his knife in the other.


History/Backround: Born on a reservation in New York, Dylan was a very bright and talented lad, which allowed him to rise above the descrimination experienced by his people at the time (Bioshock is in somewhere between 1920-50 yeah?). While studying Pre-med, he was chosen by Rapture officials to test plasmids, based on his records given to them by the school. He accepted, and was whisked away to Rapture for testing. A few months after arriving, things started to get pretty hectic though, and it seemed like war was coming to the best place on Earth...

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