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Beyond the Sea


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Name: Siobhan O'Donnell


Age: 20


Gender: Female


Race: Irish


Personality: Happy and free-spirited, Siobhan is known for also being slightly hyperactive. She can't stay still for very long and isn't usually particularly quiet either.


Weapon: Siobhan has the advanced Telekinesis plasmid, as well as a shotgun and a machete. She also skilled in unarmed combat, and weapon repairs.


Appearance: Flaming red hair that goes to the small of her back, often tied up in a ponytail. She is 6 feet tall, has a slender, athletic build, shapely without becoming curvy (smaller breasts) with well toned legs from running and other sports. She has green eyes, which darken in shade when she gets angry. She has fair skin, as most redheads do, and she has a star-shaped mole on her chest just above the top of her breasts. She also has a dimple on her right cheek, visible only when she smiles.


Clothing: Siobhan usually wears jeans (they existed then, but I'm not too picky with era-appropriate clothes) and a white blouse, paired with light (as in weight) black leather boots that cover her ankles under a long black coat that extends to the top of her boots, a quarter of the way to the bottom of her calves. She has fingerless leather gloves which help her in climbing or protecting her palms from sharp edges.


History/background: Siobhan hails from Ireland, formerly a gymnast she heard of a place called "Rapture" looking for physically fit people to test out something called "Plasmids". After reporting to the docks, she discovered she was to be taken underwater on a submarine. This was 2 years ago. During that time, some people started going mad from overuse of the plasmids. These warped-minded souls were described as "Splicers" and to be shot on sight or avoided. Quite a few of the "splicers" left her alone, however, some were too far gone and attacked her anyway. She uses her gymnastic skills pairing with what she knows of martial arts to turn herself into a quite skilled fighter against those she thinks of "bully" splicers, the "Thuggish" ones who wielded bits of pipes and attacked. Against anything else, she had her shotgun, which she had taken from a dead security guard. She has been searching for a way back out of this place, and has a fairly decent knowledge of most of Rapture. She misses her family, and she misses her friends. Mostly she misses the sunlight.


Sorry if it's not the best sheet I've made, I have had a headache all day. However, I wanted to make an Irish girl, cause.... well, why not? Chrysamere, still waiting on your sheet.

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What about my Charlie Greenrose guy on the first page? Second post. (Sorry if you didn't notice.)


Sorry about that, as stated, I have a headache. It's finally going away, but still a little off kilter. No, I have not heard from Iron. Yes, I saw your sheet, and I approved it. Sorry about the confusion. Nethgros is approved as well. I will likely figure more about Siobhan as I write. (Happens all the time. I will also see if I can "Meditate" on her, try and get into the mind of my character. This is the main key thing. If I can do that, character is go. If I can't, then I have to tweak her personality to make me able to "Think" as her.)

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Found a great spot for lore, just in case :wink:




Since the Sh't happened 12/31/58 when should we start?

Edited by nethgros
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