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Issue with lighting/effects.


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I have this issue that I have seen in my game many times before. It seemed to become very bad when using mods like Gas masks of the Wasteland while using the Mask overlay when a mask was equipped.. But Then it would also happen randomly without the masks. I see it mostly on weather types like dust and fog.


This weather was just regular unmodded rain. Its not quite night time in the vid but it looks so dark because xbox gamebar for pc just makes bad quality captures. Still, you can see the issue happening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ijQL9iFZF0


I had something similar but a while back but it was like a negative version of the screen image, mostly white, I read turning off wetness with ini can help but for me, that didn't work and didn't go away until I did a new install of the game. It wasn't constant but was very frequent.


This is not as bad but still annoying, anyone know of a fix or a reason it happens?


PS, the bad frame rate is coz I am experimenting with LOD gen atm.

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