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AmorAddon Priority Issues


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I'm working on a equipment set with more dynamic parts. To avoid clipping, I'm trying to hide as much of the overlapping models as possible. But the ArmorAddon priority system doesn't seem to work properly on my items. Here is an example of items I'm working on:


Body Armor:

- Item Body Slot: 32

- ArmorAddon Slots: 32, 34, 38

- ArmorAddon Priority: 5 (Low)



- Item Body Slot: 37

- ArmorAddon Slots: 37, 38

- ArmorAddon Priority: 10 (Medium)


Greaves (Shin Armor):

- Item Body Slot: 38

- ArmorAddon Slots: 38

- ArmorAddon Priority: 20 (High)


Individually equipped, I can see the item's competing partitions, but when equipping body armor and boots, body armor wins over the 38 slot, and greaves looses to any of the other two items.

Any boots from the original game, or mod, that takes on slot 38, which typically have priority 10, win over the body armor, as they should. Bu they also win over the greaves.

Any other body armor in the original game, or mod, that takes on slot 38, wins over both my boots and greaves.

I've tried changing the priority values around, like swapping priorities around (e.g. 20, 10, 5), or using values only up to 10 (e.g. 8, 9, 10), and but it had no effect on any of the above stated.

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