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Mana Cubes


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Perhaps not overtly the central focus for magicka in the Elder Scrolls series by using the term 'mana', but it is a name for an object. Idea thus far is, as said, mana cubes. Or magicka cubes. Or rune cubes, even, as the idea involves having a specific style or form of arcane, necrotic, demonic, celestial, or druidic rune sybolizing some form of magic that a magic user can tap into. Said cubes would come in a variety of sources, energy and magic types, similiar to the Ioun stones of the Forgotten Realms series, albeit more openly seen. The cubes would be small in size, perhaps no larger than the fist of a Nord, ranging in colors based upon the elemental affinity, say, Destruction cubes would be black with red or orange or gold markings, or white for Restoration with silvery or golden markings to symbolize healing. To add, up to 3 cubes could be used at a time, to amplify existing powers in use {reinforce magical defenses, raise elemtantal protections, regeneration of stamina/health/magicka, etc.} These cubes would also float in varied, circular patterns about the mage, spinning slowly while orbiting their user. Just another idea for mages.
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