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Mines are private property


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Is there a mod that makes it so the miners will stop you from walking into their place of employment and stealing all of the job rocks out from under their noses? That can't be good for their quotas.


It would probably be pretty simple, just set inhabited mines to be places you're trespassing in and activate the available dialogue. If there were nearby guards it would work even better.


The ore inside owned mines could also be flagged as stolen.


Do you think this would be a good idea, or would it break too much stuff or ruin immersion in other ways? I think that making access to rare mineral ores harder would also be an useful gameplay addition, preventing the player from gearing themselves up in full armor freely and easily.


I think there might be mines that you are meant to go in, though, like the one near winterhold, where the miners have quests or will buy the ore you mine. Could the mod make you able to mine ore and sell it within the mine, but either make it tagged as stolen and make the ore buyer work as a fence, or make it somehow a crime to leave without selling ore mines there? That last idea seems like it would be harder to implement, and I don't even know if it would be possible.


I know old rim at least had mods to make taking the farmers' crops a crime, and one of the same for the flowers in cities. This would pair nicely with them.

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