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[LE] What is wrong with my script ? :) [9]

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Hey T_T

i have problem... why my EPIC and Amazing script for MMO Spots is not working? xD


Image with all ingerents:








Here is script one:



Scriptname QLG_Script_MMOSpot extends Actor
{ }
;===- Base Info. -===;
 ;Created: 2019-05-19
 ;Update: 2019-06-03
 ;Author: TobiPL
 ;Unit: M.PC<1>
;===- Var. setup -============================================
	FormList Property QSpawnPoints Auto
	{ Points where Actors can be Spawn }
	FormList Property QSpawnActors Auto
	{ Actors that can be Spawn }
	float Property QSpawnDelay Auto
	{ Delay to wait in game h to wait before next spawn
		:: 0.5 is 30 Game Minutes }
	GlobalVariable Property QDebug Auto
	{ Global, true/false to show Debug Notifications ! 
		please, use "QLG_DEBUG_SCRIPT" }
	int ToSpawn = 0				; Amount of Monsters left to Spawn
	Bool Register = true		; Should register for update?
	ObjectReference SpawnRef	; Ref where unit gonna be spawn
	ActorBase ActorRef			; Ref which unit gonna be spawn
;===- Main Script -==============================
Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QRef )
	If( QDebug as bool )
		Debug.Notification( "MMO Spot: New Unit Register" ) 
	ToSpawn += 1
	If( Register )
		Register = false
		RegisterForSingleUpdate( QSpawnDelay )
Event OnUpdate()
	ToSpawn -= 1
	If( QDebug as bool )
		Debug.Notification( "MMO Spot: Update, left: " + ( ToSpawn as Int ) + "!..." ) 
	If( ToSpawn <= 0 )
		Register = true
		RegisterForSingleUpdate( QSpawnDelay )
	SpawnRef = ( QSpawnPoints.GetAt( Utility.RandomInt( 0 , QSpawnPoints.GetSize() ) ) as ObjectReference )
	ActorRef = ( QSpawnActors.GetAt( Utility.RandomInt( 0 , QSpawnActors.GetSize() ) ) as ActorBase )
	SpawnRef.PlaceAtMe( ( ActorRef as ActorBase ) , 1 )
; The End 





Here is script two:



Scriptname QLG_Script_MMOMonsterDeath extends Actor  
{ Script to register new Actor Spawn in MMO Script } 
;===- Base Info. -===;
 ;Created: 2019-05-19
 ;Update: 2019-05-31 ( TobiPL )
 ;Author: TobiPL
 ;Unit: M.PC<3>
;===- Var. setup -============================================
	ObjectReference Property QTarget Auto
	{ Spot CARDINAL Ref. }
;===- Script -Main- -================================================
Event OnDeath( Actor QKiller )
	QTarget.Activate( self )
	Utility.Wait(60.0)		;Wait for other Mods / Scripts
	self.disable( true )	;Disable
	Utility.Wait(10.0)		;Wait
	self.delete()			;Delete
;===- Script -===-===- ;ReDragon2013 ( NexusForum )
Event OnCellDetach()
	Self.Delete()            ; Just in case ( Have to be verified )
; The End 






I can see in game Debug Notifications but no new units...


After one unit die this script should spawn new...

Script should spawn new units every 30 sec untill all units got respawn

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maybe this is working..




; be carful with next two variables, they make both Refs persistent as long as the script exists !!!

ObjectReference SpawnRef  ; Ref where unit gonna be spawn
Actor ActorRef            ; Ref which unit gonna be spawn

Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QRef )
    If( QDebug as bool )
        Debug.Notification( "MMO Spot: New Unit Register" )

    ToSpawn += 1                    ; ADD by 1

    If( Register )
        Register = false
        RegisterForSingleUpdate( QSpawnDelay )

Event OnUpdate()
    ToSpawn -= 1                   ; DEL by 1

    int i1 = Utility.RandomInt(0, QSpawnPoints.GetSize() - 1)
    int i2 = Utility.RandomInt(0, QSpawnActors.GetSize() - 1)

    If( QDebug as bool )
        Debug.Notification( "MMO Spot: Update, left: " + ToSpawn + "!..." + i1 + ", " + i2)

    If( ToSpawn <= 0 )              ; <--  *** this is Zero normally ***
        Register = true
        RegisterForSingleUpdate( QSpawnDelay )

    SpawnRef = QSpawnPoints.GetAt(i1) as ObjectReference                    ; you get a spawnpoint, but is it already placed in the world? yes/no

; https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=PlaceAtMe_-_ObjectReference
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ActorRef = SpawnRef.PlaceAtMe(QSpawnActors.GetAt(i2), 1)                ; if spawnpoint already exists this should work to spawn new actors



Edited by ReDragon2013
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; be carful with next two variables, they make both Refs persistent as long as the script exists !!!

ObjectReference SpawnRef ; Ref where unit gonna be spawn
Actor ActorRef ; Ref which unit gonna be spawn


what exactly do u mean?

They will be bigger and bigger with every mob spawned?


ActorRef = NULL

or something will work to clear variable?



i think i know what is wrong but can't test it xDDD

First line of First Script: ( Scriptname QLG_Script_MMOSpot extends Actor )


Its because i rewrite other script for actor and forgot to change extends xD

probably when i change it to ObjectReference it will work fine :D but im not sure...




still i want to know what u mean by "Persistent" and what shouldn't i do with those variables

or what i should do to keep my script good :D




( QSpawnPoints.GetAt( Utility.RandomInt( 0 , QSpawnPoints.GetSize() ) ) as ObjectReference ).( QSpawnActors.GetAt( Utility.RandomInt( 0 , QSpawnActors.GetSize() ) ) as ActorBase )



Edited by TobiaszPL
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