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Modded NPC faces are all grey, error msg in CK, help plz!


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I have been creating a personal mod, and have created several merchants, and have altered several of the housecarls, and their faces are all grey.<br><br>when loading the characters in the CK I get pop-up messages saying that "...textures\actors\character\female\femalebody.dds"



are missing. However, when running the game, the bodies appear as they are supposed to. I am assuming that this is due to the mods being loaded<br>in the game, but not in CK. So the bodies are fine. But when I try to preview the characters I get an error message that states...


line 806

And I am wondering how to replace or re-install this particular file.


Also I have checked and double checked the texture files, and they appear to be there, xxxhead.dds, xxxxhead_msn.dds, and xxxhead_s.dds</div><div>are in the texture folder / sub-folder(s) but the faces are still grey in game. Any suggestions?

Edited by DeltaAgent26
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select the NPCs you modified/created and press CTRL+F4.


You'll get a "facegen" popup. In Data/Meshes/Actor/youresp.esp/etc etc etc and the same for textures you'll now see some facegen files.


This will work with your PC, but may not for others if you release the mod. If releasing the mod, you'll have to make you mod a esm and re-export the facegen.

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That error message is normal with CK I think.



To fix the grey heads, you must navigate on the left panel to the actors branch.

Then select your character.

Then Ctrl + F4.

This does not work using the search all function with your character name typed in.


The femalebody errors are strange. Not sure why that is.


Oh and I can't remember which one, but if you edit an npc's height or weight, then it will not work with a game where the player has met the housecarl, as the housecarls have their original weight/height saved into the save game. So this creates a small gap between neck and body. Pretty sure it's the height. But need to check that.

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Well, probs not totally neccessary, but will speed up your pc anyway, so go for it :)


But when you do get it all done, make sure you follow those tips above. Those bugs are always present in the CK.

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