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NPC Dark Face Problem (NOT THE CK ONE)


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Hey guys,


I've been trying to fix up my NPC's because most of them seem to have this problem of a slightly darker face than the rest of their body.


NSFW SS (has boobs)




You can see the tint change from the body to the face at the neck line. This isn't the usual ctrl-f4 CK problem because that problem causes the NPC's face to appear a flat grey hue across the board.


This problem causes all of my NPCs save a few custom ones (but not all the custom NPCs) to have a slightly darker face but a normal body.


I'm using CBBEV3 for my body texture, and Coverwomen faces. I had Bella's Better Females before and I had the same exact problem.


I've tried searching for this, but all my searches come up with the CK fix instead of this bug.


Thanks for any help you can provide!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am gonna guess the cbbev3 and coverwomen together cause the issues, pretty sure one of the mod needs to have a patch to work . Like unp and coverwomen do have that kind of patch to work together so you pretty much don't see it at all.


So either cbbe or coverwomen would need to a fix to look similar with the textures. I could be wrong though.

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