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Bandolier Mod trouble


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Hi, I installed the bandolier bags and pouches mod and works well but when i equip leather bandolier it looks all black, any reason why this happen? What can I do to make it look normal?


P.S. I am using 640X400 resolution because my graphic mem is Intel graphics HD and is for best performance, does that have anything to do with this issue?

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The Bandoliers are supposed to be black unless you make the pale ones. When you make the leather for them you must have frostbite poison and that creates dark leather to make the bandoliers and pouches. When you are making them you can specify the size and color by scrolling down the list. I would make sure you have the latest version of the mod and Skyrim and check to make sure it works with Dawnguard if you are running that. Hope this helps.
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