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[LE] Can't locate these plant textures dds file to retexture them

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I would like to retexture these 3 plants:





But I can't locate where are their .dds files.

  • Skyrim Flora Overhaul mod placed them there (if I disable it it they are not there anymore), therefore I thought they were added by this mod but I carefully checked each dds file and I didn't find them (and since they are really low res I don't think this mod added them anyway, it just placed them I guess)
  • When I click on them with the console, I only get the formID FF000E7A (ref) and FF000E65 (base) information, but the "based in" (and any other label) value is "unknown" (I already have More Informative Console installed) therefore I'm not able to confirm if they come from vanilla game or somewhere else
  • I googled the formIDs, tried to do a search in SSEDIT but I didn't find anything
  • I unpacked the vanilla texture bsa files and I took a look at the files in /landscape/grass/ and /plants/ folders but didn't find them neither
  • I took a look at the files in /landscape/grass/ and /plants/ folders from my game installation just in case but didn't find them neither

I'm sorry if it is a dumb question, I really do my best to locate them on my own but I have no clue aside that Skyrim Flora Overhaul placed them. Do you have any lead on how I could proceed to locate them ? I'm running out of ideas, I'm really surprised that the console couldn't locate them, they are the first items that I saw with a "unknown" value.

Edited by Lurihaut
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left side "eriophorum" and bentgrass on the right side


data \ meshes \ landscape\ grass


data \ textures \ landscape \ grass

    vurt_bengrass.dds   <- typo here

Skyrim Flora Overhaul by Vurt, probably since version 2.50b

Edited by ReDragon2013
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