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hotkeys and xbox controller for windows compatible mods


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I removed all mods, script extender and community uncapper and SkyUI and all other mods from my game was vanilla only with only the SkyrimPrefs.ini line bEnableFileSelection=1 under [Launcher] without that line the data files game launcher would be greyed out and in-accesible and I needed to add the check mark for dawnguard and was able to after the SkyrimPrefs.ini edit line was added!..


Anyhow the only dawnguard werewolf perk I could get to work was savage feeding and I couldn't call other wolfs or ice wolfs or nothing, my only conclusion is that I need to bind those werewolves perks to a keyboard key and I'm not sure which of the two pages listed for hotkey mods in the download page here is the right one and safe and compatible with the xbox controller for Windows, the USB version, no batteries required!..


I looked at the information for the Unofficial Dawnguard Patch 1.0 BETA at dark creations site and seen no fixes in it's fix mod for dawnguard werewolves perks


please help with a hotkey mod that let's me keep my xbox controller setting's and adds binding of werewolves perks to keyboard keys?


the dpad didn't work well I was a werewolf when left dpad or up or down or right would work on it


the dpad worked only in human form

Edited by sinnerman69
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