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Collision and Physics on different outfits.


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Hello, fellow wanderers!

So I was trying some new fashion on my character, and I came across a problem. The physics from my CBBE body is clipping throug my VNeck shirt. So I was wandering if it was possible to deactivate body physics when equipping some armor.

Some precisions: First of all, when I equip the VNeck, my body disappear entirely, leaving only the hands and head. But that didn't bothered me truly since I also used the Synth Body Override from this mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28394). So there, the physic is clipping through the shirt. Any suggestion?

Thanks for the help!

EDIT: Fixed the invisible body, but now the physics from the main body also clips through the shirt.

Edited by Mostoneman
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