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I keep crashing when opening a door!


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I use the live another life mod to put my character in the house in Whiterun but when i go to open the door to leave the game crashes to desktop. I've tried uninstalling a few mods that I figured was the problem but it didn't fix the problem for me. I'll list the mods I am using as well if they are Steam mods or not.



Steam mods:

Drell follower and race (still can't get the drell race even though it's on Steam!)

Better Breezehome

Thalmor disguise kit

dragon priest mask quest marker

dagi-raht khajiit race

dovagonian races steam version

mind possession spell

the ring or the sea strider

my skin is not my own


cinder the flame dancer follower

bonds of matrimony-devorce

better females by bella -core files

eligible bachelors

caliente's body mods(both slim and curvy + the armor)

[voidcraft] cbbev3-vanilla pack

house markers

fox armor from blade & souls

nocturnal robes

manga carta armor

kagrenac's instant fortress

toxic eyes

wood elf speed on land

money room in whiterun

size modify spell tomes

sexy well stocked merchants and fences

lock pick cheat

towns and villages enhanced: (falkreath, riften, solitude, windhelm, whiterun, villages)

better females by bella -make up (type 1-4)

better females by bella- shine remover



Non steam mods:

alternate start- live another life


blessing of god 2



fullboot for kksa










blank loading screen


That is all of the mods I have on my skyrim game. I have the latest patch for the game and all my mods are to date. Could someone please explain why I keep crashing? Which one of these is causing my problem and what's the fix if it's not one of my mods fault?

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