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Bandit Leader


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Bandit Leader




While wandering along a tradeing Pass between Highrock and Skyrim the Dragonborn discovers an abandoned cave which once served as hideout for a group of bandits.

Then he tought, why shouldn't i start a bandit gang?

So he sets up his own camp and was looking around for some employes. Soon he spotted an Imperial prisoner transport wandering the Pass and decided, that these hangdogs are the perfect candidates for his latest adventure with Robbery Incorporated. Three prisoners, three characters everyone with his own history of lost luck. So the Player will meet his right hand, and Mean Orc with criminal record as long as the Jeral Moutains. He has experience in Banditry and still contact to concealers. He will be the most importand character who gets information about the trade on the pass and where to sell the bait for the best price.


Soon other ones will join. Sometimes limited special characters in scripted events, sometimes just random bandits hired by our right hand without any special dialoges or background. Sometimes, and limited, special travelers would showed up that you and your companiosn can rob, murder, or both. But these will have consiquences.

If you doing to much, to fast cruelity you will get the city guards attention or even the legion will attack your hideout. Or the relatives of someone you murdered during your raids will send assassins and mercenaries after you.


But be also warned about the fragil band that houlds your Gang togehter. Some people who seam to be perfect for your group will steal from you. Some others will get into disputes with each other. Others could be spies or just fraud you.




Details for function:


Non of this ideas are realy new. Most of these was already made for mods and quests before. Special character events would be scripted, meeting a fleeing person haunted by Bounty Hunters for example. Kill the bounty hunters and take him into your group, or help the bounty hunters? A new companion for a risk or a hand full of coins with a lost of trust from your group. Two bandits get into beef with each other. Exile one? Let them fight over it? Force them to make a fragil peace? Personal decisions everywhere.

The Special Characters are those with their History you can learn about, they have their own Name, special dialoge and sometimes unique Gear. The former Banditleader, the outlawed Poacher, the Necromant, the runned off Forsworn Girl, the street urchin, the deserter, the freelanced thiev, the outcasted mixed-blood mongrel, the skooma adict city employee. Everyone has his story and everyone is valuabel for you because of their experiences in some way, but everyone of them has his own head sometimes and some will be in charge instead of you.

The others are Random-Lvl NPC's you can hire if the betters once are dieing out untill the point everyone is gone and the band breaks up.



This mod was inspired by Big Business, Thieves Den, Servant of the Dawn and the Dark Brotherhood "Go there and kill this guy"-Endless Quest.




Okay, bit feedback so far would be nice. I did half of the Pass Area so far.

When this is done i would need a scripter that could handle the detailed stuff, i'am not that good with that.

Edited by Minuteman308
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