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Help Needed: Attempting to Make a Fast Travel Mod


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Title pretty much sums it up. I'm looking for a bit of guidance on how to accomplish this mod.


Right now i'm sitting in the CK wondering how to proceed with this. I made mods in the past for Fallout 3, and that was pretty sketchy as i had little experience then. Now playing with Skyrims CK i feel like i'm starting all over again.


This is what i hope to achieve with this mod:


1. in order for the player to fast travel, they must seek out a horse and mount it. Otherwise, they'll be prompted via a message that they can't fast travel unless they're on a horse


2. Fast travel will also have a restriction when on a horse. The player will only be able to fast travel only twice PER day, this i may tweak depending on how the default timescale reacts to Fast Traveling to various locations in the game.



The purpose of this is to restrict Fast Travels use for the player, encouraging exploration but not outright disabling the feature altogether. It'll also give those fast travel cart services more of a purpose - as well as horses.


So, as for implementing this, would i be right in thinking i need to make a quest (a hidden one so it doesn't appear in the log) so that the game can detect (i assume via a script) whether or not the player is mounted on a steed? This is as far as i've taken the mod right now and would really appreciate some guidance on the matter. (Writing said script will also be a problem, as rarely scripted before and definitely know nothing about papyrus - all i know is it'll involve the IsRidingHorse function. LOL)


Thanks for any help, it's appreciated.

Edited by Thingamajig
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