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Freezing and CTD


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cannot post log. SQL error or something which i do not understand.


EDIT: sorry, it wont let me post the logs. it just wont. but all they contain are some relatively innocuous errors in LARGE quantity.


however, i have a kinda scary one right now: Ice Wraiths are causing a massive FPS drop and then freeze. the papyrus log says some visual effect script cannot be applied because they do not have a 3rd object . . .


[ (000CAF89)].VisualEffect.Play() - "<native>" Line ?

[Active effect 2 on (FF003998)].icewraithparticlesscript.OnEffectStart() - "IceWraithParticlesSCRIPT.psc" Line 29

[09/06/2012 - 03:04:23PM] error: (FF001AA3): has no 3d and so cannot have a visual effect applied to it.


[ (000CAF89)].VisualEffect.Play() - "<native>" Line ?

[Active effect 2 on (FF001AA3)].icewraithparticlesscript.OnEffectStart() - "IceWraithParticlesSCRIPT.psc" Line 29




but it isnt instantaneous.

Edited by Elizinator
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This may help some folks: I was having a problem with Skyrim freezing after about 4 minutes. The screen would freeze and the computer played the last note the game was playing when it froze. The only way to 'un-stick' the game was a hard reboot. I noticed that the computer sometimes though rarely froze again at the login page after the reboot. I did some creative case modifications which involved placing a 9" fan over the back of the CPU and aiming a standing fan at the video cards (SLI). I can now play the game without having it freeze. i almost forgot how to correctly quit the game.


I had run a utility that showed me the mb, cpu and video card temperatures before doing this. It had been running very warm but not out of specs while the computer was in general usage. The fan over the back of the CPU helped bring that temperature down from ~96 degrees to ~70 degrees, The video cards were still very warm and the game froze. I then directed the standing fan towards the video cards and pulled the tower into the center of the room to improve overall circulation. It works. The gods of Skyrim and computers are so far appeased. This may have been a tad overkill cooling wise but whatever works. I was about ready to consider building a case inside a refrigerator if I could've solve the condensation issue.

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i have temp monitors on my GPU and CPU both. theyre running fine. my system resources arent capping out. nothing other than Skyrim is crashing and freezing, and reboots arent necessary for me, just restarting the game. it doesnt freeze after any amount of time, it freezes due to certain causes:


presently, trying to enter Winterhold is impossible, as Ice Wraiths are apparently bugged to hell, and have "no 3d" so cannot have effects applied to them. this has occurred the last 4 times i have attempted to go to the mage college, and it occurs the very instant i get off of the carriage.


trying once more with ASIS disabled. i dont expect it to work.


as my spontaneous freezes are largely solved (it was Duel - Combat Realism that was the culprit) this new and very specific CTD/Freeze is my primary concern.

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Do you have ASIS-Encounter Zones? Maybe try to disable that see what will happen.


i do not.


in fact, i deleted ASIS.esp (well, moved it, actually) and uninstalled ASIs completely. then i re-installed it, recongifured it, and ran the patch totally new with ONLY increased spawns active. i no longer get many increased spawns sccript errors. sicne doing this, however, CTDs and Freezes are WWWAAAAYYYY more common than yesterday. yesterday, i had 3 the whole day. today, ive had ten, and its only the afternoon.

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Hmm weird. I know that you are already monitoring your CPU and GPU temperature so just a quick question is your MB and Graphic card firmware/drivers updated to the latest versions?

Can we try this? Disable SkyMoMod, rebuild Bash Patch and uninstall and disable ASIS, deadly dragons, and any other mod that add creatures into the game. before you do it save your game somewhere in interieror cell like a player's house. Once all those mods are disabled Wait 30 days for all cell to respawn. Save the game.

Rebuild bash patch again. install all creatures mod except SkyMoMod and ASIS. Rebuild the bash patch again.

Install Asis, Rebuild Bash patch again. Test the game without the SkyMoMod the the wild life mods and tell me how that goes.

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Hmm weird. I know that you are already monitoring your CPU and GPU temperature so just a quick question is your MB and Graphic card firmware/drivers updated to the latest versions?

Can we try this? Disable SkyMoMod, rebuild Bash Patch and uninstall and disable ASIS, deadly dragons, and any other mod that add creatures into the game. before you do it save your game somewhere in interieror cell like a player's house. Once all those mods are disabled Wait 30 days for all cell to respawn. Save the game.

Rebuild bash patch again. install all creatures mod except SkyMoMod and ASIS. Rebuild the bash patch again.

Install Asis, Rebuild Bash patch again. Test the game without the SkyMoMod the the wild life mods and tell me how that goes.


i uninstalled SkyMoMod days ago. havent seen a single creature from it. after uninstalling, i did exactly that: disabled ASIS, rebuilt bashed patch, waited 30 days in qasmoke, saved, rebuild ASIS, loaded.


dragons arent causing crashes when they spawn, so far as im aware. ASIS is told to ignore DeadlyDragons.esp, anyways, and "Dragon" is added as an exclusion in several .ini files, including perks, spells, and increased spawns.


as far as drivers, im not sure. this isnt a performance problem, though. im getting exactly the level of performance i should be. could that still be the problem though?

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Did you try to disable all the mods that add or edit wild life and its behavior into the game for a while?

They same 30 day, bash patch and ASIS rebuild rules apply.


Edit: And yes I have came across people that had problems and after the driver update they didn't have them anymore, so it is worth checking out :)

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