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Skyrim's Combat and Physics


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It was the only aspect of the game that had left me with nothing but disappointment, which i believed many others felt the same way after having played Dark Messiah of Might and Magic and then Skyrim. However, I have no intentions of putting down a game's value. Everything else about Skyrim [except Combat Feel], in my opinion, was really really good and with the help of many great mods out there, perhaps even perfect.


I have created this thread/topic to gather some feedback. It isn't much of a mod request. And so...after more than 6 months of having not touched Skyrim, i would like to find out from the community, especially the modding community, if its possible to completely mod Skyrim's Combat and Physics to become exactly like Dark Messiah's? If no, then i guess its must be due to the limitations of the game's engine. And is that why Arkane Studios went on to make a new game called "Dishonored"? lol...get the joke? kidding...XD.


But on a serious note, after watching one of Dishonored's gameplay videos, i could REALLY feel the "Combat Feel" of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. I'm not sure how to exactly describe it but the combat is just simply immersive. And i was really hoping that Skyrim's Combat would feel the same way. But well...it didn't and i felt that it was lacking. Its definitely much more improved than TES4 Oblivion. But well..you know, when one has played a better game, its hard to appreciate something of lesser value...something like that. Just one of my gaming preferences or the way i play games.


I guess i shall just look forward to Dishonored. But, i really would like to know if its possible to come up with a mod for Skyrim as i do not wish to simply give up on it just yet. Is it within the Modding Realms of Possibility?


Thanks for reading.

Edited by rasunin
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