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I can't texture my models.


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I followed this guide all the way through, other than the parts that only apply to armor since I'm making a static mesh. I've tried leaving the default file path (c:\Program Files\steam...) and that way it shows the texture in Nifskope but not in CK. I tried what the guide says, changing the file path to start with the textures folder and it still doesn't work (this is the way the vanilla meshes I checked were set). I tried changing it so the file path starts with the data folder and that didn't work either. I'm only using diffuse texture. Is that a problem? Do I need normals too? What else could I be doing wrong?


I'm also having a problem where I can't select my meshes in the CK. Is that because I don't have collision in the mesh? How do I add collision?

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OK... here's what I have after following the guide.




What am I missing and how do I get it? :psyduck:


Or at least direct me to a mod that has custom static models so I can ask the creator how they did it. Plz?

Edited by ChampionOfHircine
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Thank you, that did solve one problem. I can select the object in the CK now. And now my model shows up black instead of white... maybe because I added normals? Still no texture though. That guide also shows how to texture an object the same way as the other guide. I'm sure I'm doing it the same but it just won't work.
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