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[REQz] Black Lightsaber


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im just wondering(this is NOT a request) maybe there can be other weapons that look like this

im a strict sword user :P so i dont really care, but axes and arrows that look like that will probably interest others

does it?


BTW ih8regesteringeverwhere it looks great, i hope the release date is soon

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im just wondering(this is NOT a request) maybe there can be other weapons that look like this

im a strict sword user :P so i dont really care, but axes and arrows that look like that will probably interest others

does it?


BTW ih8regesteringeverwhere it looks great, i hope the release date is soon


You Mean Like A Light Hammer? Or A Light Axe? Or Light Mace? lol That Would Be Sweet.

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for just swords?

a backwards axe would look weird

lol jk

as for the stance i dont really like it, but it seems like an interesting concept

probably tons of new animations tho cause a forward jab while holding a backwards weapon is kinnda weird


niice axe

but i dont use axes

ya i said it

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well done ihate :)


but to enlighten you even more (just had the idea a few days ago hehe) dont use the standard billboard node most flames use (the one with a whole animation based on dozens of single pics)... use a particle system with a mesh emitter (only needs one pic and has more options)... you make an invisible mesh for the blade (alpha property maybe) and let it emit the effect or you make a standard box emitter which emits particles towards a gravity point in the imaginary tip...


to make the blade retract just use some swap weapon on sheath/ unsheath script (needs two nifs)... unsheathed: hilt+ particles and sheathed: only the hilt... you can extract such a script which works without obse from my latest sword or the heaven and hell blades in the blades compilation (only downside is that you cant use hotkey and it autorepairs which might be ok for a lightsaber)

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I will try that, thanks ;D.


The only problem with a particle blade would be that I probably wouldn't my able to retain that pear shape of the blade - which I decided to go with because I found it refreshing amongst the scores of straight blades that people normaly create.


Every solution to blade retracting seems to have it's problems. I'm reluctant to use OBSE but I'm serriously considering it - I don't realy care about autorepairs, but I don't want the blade to loose enchantments. I'm also thinking about taking a good look on that.. nico's was it? Scimitar scripts.

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well the script my hraesvelgr uses works like a charm... autorepair and the hotkey are the only probs as well as the enchantment problem but that can be circumvented by just enchanting the thing right away... its also basicly the same script nico uses but stripped down

ya obse would be better indeed but i personally think its quite a step to ask a user to download, install and set up a 3rd party tool just to get one sword running...

as to the pear shape that possible... the lost paladins of the divine mod has that flaming sword and there is a node (the last one) which creates exactly that... particles weavering around the blade becomming thinner...


(you create it by making them rotate randomly at the start of their life and then forcing em towards the point of gravity) (or you could create nodes between which the particles flow)


but to be honest i tried creating a lightsaber effect just from particles the last 5 hours lol was fun but well didnt quite work as i planned :/

the biggest problem was to get a constant stream of particles as i only achieveed (no matter what i tried) a bunch of them at a time then a break and then another bunch... that only levelled a bit as i toned down the particles to under 10! but thats pointless for a lightsaber imo

saidenstorm on the other hand created full particle swords yet and they look sweet video... the biggest problem is that there is only one very incomplete reference not even tutorial on creating particles and understanding all these possible connections between controllers, modifiers and whatnot becomes rather confusing :D

throttlekitty (the rapier set modder) and saidenstorm are probably those that can help the most

i can lead you in some directions but my knowledge cant beat theirs... yet ;)

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Oh, I've seen all of SaidenStorm's videos, one of the greatest modders in history if you don't mind me saying so.


Anyway, I was thinking that If I created the emiter in the blade shape and had two gravities one weak gravity in the center of the lover area and another strong one at the tip, then it could work. I think. Lol, I only read the tuttorial about particles (the one contained within the "Working with nif's" tut, it's awesome) so far, but I know that I'm going to need them for the DCM so I'll give it a shot later.


As far as obse/non-obse goes, I could make two versions. That would both allow the lazy people use the obse'sless one and make me feel happy about delivering the flawless solution ;D.

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ya well if you wanna dive into obse :P nah wait i had that guy yesterday who offered me his obse script for that purpose... ill send him a pm... edit:sent


im trying to get particles from max to nif atm but i always get an unknown error :/ but that would make everything so much easier... i hate text based stuff... and why is there only one half fledged tut... awwww if only i would find saidens homepage again he had some tuts and i think also bout particles... you dont happen to have the link?

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