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skyrim animation bug


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bug that keeps a slow-mo walking animation during standing stil , and sneaking


i've got no mods that modify animations , and only thing wich would modify the body mesh is UNP


i've tried 3 different saves of characters 2 whare female and 1 was male


i didnt had this problem on my holiday playing online


it feels like its because of path 1.7.7 a help or comformation that this issue is at hand would be appreciated

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Do you use the controller or Keyboard?

Possibly caused by a weak return spring in a controller - testby slightly bumping the movement control to see if it changes. You may be able to calibrate it out (zero setting)


If you use a keyboard you should have the controller disabled or unplugged (or both) There are some settings in the SkyrimPrefs.ini that may help


Under [MAIN] look for bGamepadEnable=0 0 for no gamepad, 1 if you use a gamepad


Under [Controls] there are several that relate to Gamepad or Mouse


Before making any changes to the ini. Be sure to make a backup copy

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