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Weather spells do not hit NPC ?

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That's the question. I've tried. Is that normal/hardcoded or something can be done to make it work?

Suspicious thing here is, that original spells/mgef have conditions not neccessary for player, but in fact nobody else can be hit by weather.

Edited by hereami
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Because weather only works on the player. Weather is like a special kind of imagespacemodifier, which hits the player with a specified spell when the weather is active. A possible workaround is to have a quest start when a rad storm has begun, set up conditions on aliases, or ref collection to pick NPCs within the area near the player. Then you can add a rad damage type ability to them that lasts til the storm ends. This might require a timer or something to check the weather.

Edited by Rasikko
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Ok, thanks for confirming, felt confused with all those measures, which protect npcs from rads. Pity, if it worked natively, would be a built-in and very easy to use instrument of mass influence, though i suspected a performance impact reasoned limitation. Quest would be good, and for lightnigh strike i'd assume placing an explosion on player.

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