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Crafting Station Problem


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I've been playing Skyrim heavily since it was released, and always ran tonnes of mods. At one point, 100+.

Only in the past week has this bug suddenly appeared in my game.

All crafting stations and ore deposits, EVERYWHERE, quit moments after entering, EXCEPT the forge.

I've gone through every last one of my active mods - just in case - and updated them as far as they go. Even removed ones deemed unnecessary or that cause problems or whatnot.

I even went to the length of uninstalling and reinstalling all essential mods, especially animation, and using BOSS and details on each mod's page to ensure everything would run perfectly.

And yes, I always run GenerateFNISForUsers. I also frequently go through Steam to Verify Game Cache, which always reports one missing file, which is then immediately reacquired.


I've read through many forums on this issue, and people always conclude with "AVOID [ModName] IT CAUSED THIS MINE FIXED AFTER UNINSTALL".

Annoyingly enough, that's never entirely true; many get the bug without even having heard of such mods.

Admittedly I haven't tried the command "tai", or interrupting NPCs using stations, but sheathing/unsheathing and switching gear does nothing for me.

I really wish the scripting wizards floating around could work out a solution to this; preferably 1) An explanation as to exactly why this occurs, and 2) Some simple fix, perhaps even a bugfix mod for the Nexus.



Fixed mine. Concerning my mention of people blaming mods others more than often don't have; it seems any animation mod at all can cause it.

I'll admit, I have SexLab Defeat installed. I didn't have it installed under "Animation" or related in the Nexus Mod Manager, and GenerateFNISForUsers appears to have missed an issue with it; even though animations were up to date and working properly, a bug had come up.

I used the mod's in-game Mod Configuration Menu to use the "Clean" (reinstall) feature, and bam, no more crafting station bug.


I had found tips from other forums prior to discovering this that you should ensure all your mods are up to date, as SKSE 1.7 can cause this error when mods who update to comply with 1.7 have not been updated.

But my advice is thus;

1) Ensure all mods are up to date.

2) Ensure mod load order is correct; try BOSS.

3) Use GenerateFNISForUsers after installing/uninstalling any animations, also when updating animation mods.

4) If the problem still persists, either reinstall your animation mods entirely or check if they have an in-game reinstall in the mod menu (preferable)


Good luck everyone, be vigilant; this bug really ruins the experience, not least if you have Perkus Maximus ^^;

Edited by flax5flame
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  • 1 year later...

i try this but don't work for me :/


But i have a solution for everyone (not a fix but a good alternative)


juste get that mod :


Summon Crafting Menu



whit this one you can craft/enchenting again whitout load a old save a loose 10h of game play

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