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Last Son of the Bladed Moon

Shadow of the Fallen

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The Last Son of the Bladed Moon


"The Last Son of the Bladed Moon" is my personal gift to society. It's set in the typical old school style - swords, sheilds, and the occasional dragon. Though I must note that there will be no magic.. I have found that many times it only serves to complicate things, and it makes things a little unbalance. I must also note that since I will be the DM, and being the spontaneous kind of DM I am, I may at any time decide to throw it in for some purpose or another. ;) It will be very free form, so the rules will be fairly loose, but I will explain that all later. Thats all at this very moment, and I'll continue on to the setting...



Once a great and mighty civialization, the northlands of Fangrim have somewhat slackened lately. The men of the imperium have rose up with an iron fist and conquered all but the most hostile, and best defended, lands.


That however, is the least of the northlanders worries. A heavy plauge has set about the entire continent, and is spreading more rapidly every day. Healers can do nothing for the infected, save isolate them. Many fear being alone more then they fear death, and go to great lengths to avoid the healers. Thus it only spreads faster.


Rumors are numerous, and many fear a revolt will soon rise in the ashes of the disease. But none know for sure. Still, there are those that speculate that the imperials have created this plauge to kill off their neighbors, though the fact that the imperials are suffering just the same deems those that belive that kind of nonsense fools.


It is now that they gather from across the globe.

"Where one shall fall, they all shall rise."



Yes, its that time again, I'm going to lay down the law:

1) Think about your posts.

This one bothers me the most, so its numero uno. Before you type out a post, think about it a while. You have time, this is a forum, relax. As long as the pace is fast enough to keep the intrest up, don't worry about posting immediatly. It's conveinent, but I'd rather see a well thought out post that took longer then a one-liner thats only half hearted and more OOC then not.


2) Dont kill other PC's

See fighting... But know that if you type "Jim Bob kills Kenny" I'm just going to void it or sumthing... I'd hate to have to bother the mods... If circumstances arise that would put two PCs against each other in combat, I will handle that via a handy die combat system. Though I doubt that any PKing will actually arise from this.


3) NO Flaming!!

Just don't be an idiot and you wont have to worry about this.. Handle things responsibly and you wont have to be removed from the game... If you have a problem with sombody being 'mean' to your charecter tell me. I will fix the problem. If they are violating your person (sexual harrasment, foul language problems, etc.) take it up with a mod, they will probably remove them from the forums (which is worse then anything I could possibly do to them).


4) Have fun!

Saved the best for last.


For standard combat, like fighting a mob of bandits, you can pretty much govern your own actions and the reactions of your enemies within reason. For other people, like bosses or somthing, I will want to decide what happens. I will tell you when I want to do this so that you all are not lost..


If you want an example of "standard" combat, take a look at the "A New Power" RP Thread... If you want to know what the more organized combat is going to be like... Its basically the same way, only instead of you simply stating what happens, you leave off before the results and allow me to tell you what happens.. For example:

You: Jim Bob strikes out at Kenny with a willow switch.


Me: Jim Bob's stike hits Kenny solid in the leg. Kenny's knees buckle and he falls to the ground grasping for the blood red mark on his leg where the switch hit. Little does he know.. Kenny is falling off a cliff!!

I hope that clarifies it.


Your Character and You:

Now that you understand everything else... its time to give you the run down of making your charecter!! <que cheering> :D :D


It's easy! Kinda. Just remember that your character must start in or around Everend.. The port city in the bottom left of the map (see attached file). Other then that, your history and your charecters personality are yours to create.. I do ask that you start with next to nothing. The clothes on your back, a small sum of gold, and a single, small weapon shall do nicely as starting equipment. You will be able to loot things from slain enemies and steal things from the living ones.


All you really need to do then is give me a little bit of information about your character and his/her history. Unique traits, uncanny abilities, personality complexes, whatever you want. Again, just be reasonable.


Here's the format:

Name: Thrin (Be sure to mark your charecters stuff in.. I don't wan't to see people with things like "Name: Thrin Jim Bob." And don't use Thrin, hes mine!!)

Sex: Male


Former Profession:

Favorite Weapon: Anything sharp, pointy end goes in the bad guy. (note that you may add extra 'favorites' if you wish, these may include, but are not limited too, foods, past-times, quotes, animals, etc. Use your imagination)


Brief History:




Notes: Just put anything that didn't get covered above in this category.. It can be more OOC if you want (remember that this is not the RP Thread) then descriptive about your character.. If you want to use this space to tell me about yourself, be my guest. And if you don't want to put anything here, don't even type out "Notes:" at the bottom of your charecter sheet.. ;)


I think I have everything covered, I'll post more stuff as it comes to me. Please remember that THIS IS NOT THE RP THREAD. That will come later, after people have signed up. And I will be posting bits of lore on this thread as well (I.E. What are the Natives' gods? What do they call the 'grim reaper'.. What kind of stuff do they teach kids in school?). I find it helps people make their posts more detailed, and enrich the gameplay and depth of the actual RP.


Thanks for reading this big ass post.. Any comments are welcome, and if you want to play just set up your character and send me a PM.


Lates. :blink:

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hey shadow, I am not going to sign up now cause I am a bit busy but.... i was wondering if I could port some of your rules and guidelines over to the discussion/sign-up for A New Power? because a lot of that stuff applies to that also...
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Sure! Of course you can use the rules, it's not like it is the game concept or story line or anything. I like to borrow ideas from things myself. :D


And as far as being busy goes, it's no problem. If you want to sign up later the RP will still be open. I hope it will be as good as I am hoping it will be.


Just one more thing, this RP is open to all skill groups of roleplayers. It is my firn belife that we should pass on what we know to those that come after us, and I'm sure that if any of the newer players need help that I and some of the more experienced veterans will be more than happy to teach. All you have to do is ask!


I apologize for the short post, I have to leave for school and I will post more later. Adios!

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Well, I was thinking that if we could gather a herd of about 3-4 people, that would be sufficient to start, and I would get it going ASAP. As for how long it will last, I have no idea. Right now, most of the middle is not set in stone, and I could expand or contract it as needed... And there is always the human factor. The players aren't going to always be on track, and it may take them a bit longer to get through things then I anticipate.


In short, I don't know.


I do have a bit of info to give though, some of that lore and stuff I promised earlier.




Fangrim and Anderiell; Lore

-- Anderiell (the world in which the story takes place) is comprised of several continents, the largest being the imperial realm of Kendern. And the smallest being Crionysis.


Fangrim is some where in the middle.


-- Fangrim is the northernmost land mass, and the coldest by far. Only Everend, an imperial port city on the south edge of Fangrim, is close enough to receive moderately temperate climates. Dress warmly.


The majority of the rest of the continent is Ash Waste. The Ash Wastes are a blighted, diseased land, none who enter ever return, or so it is said... The ground always burns, no matter how cold it is out. And poison clouds drift through the craigs and crevasses (sp?) of the broken, wind-torn landscape. Some speak of creatures that haunt the barren wastes, but such rumors cannot be proved, and the shadows that farmers and lost soldiers speak of are speculated as ash clouds or, by the more extremist groups, devils.


Very little is other wise known of the ash wastes, including its origin and purpose. But one thing is for sure, it wasn't there before, and stuff like that just doesn't pop up on its own.


One factor that to this day puzzles imperial athourities is how the northlanders, as the natives are called, crossed the wastes during the invasion of Fangrim. Though it seems impossible, the native civilizations have moved across the ashes and found refuge in the far corners of the continent. There they prospered peacefully, out of the reach of the imperium.


-- Everybody in this game is human. Belive me, there is enough diversity in society.. We don't need Elves and Dwarves and Argonians outnumbering the humans as I find they do in other RPs..


-- Vegitation is fairly common in the lowlands, despite the cold.. Forests abound in most of the area, though they find shelter only as far north as the outer edge of the Ash Wastes, where no life exists. The highlands are almost as barren as the ashes.. only small shrubs and herbs grow there.


There is absolutely no plants on the ice. The inhabitants of the giant ice glaciers that are locked into the northern section of Fangrim have only animals that hunt fish, the norhtlanders hunt those animals and the same fish.. As well as import what they can from other places. Wolves are abundant on the ice.


-- The ground of Fangrim, with the exception of Everend's valley and the ice glaciers, is rough and craigy. Great stone spire stick out of the ground like silent monoliths, the scars of something anceint, something that destroyed the land once. Pehaps a great battle between the gods. Perhaps just the way the land formed. But none the less, the terrain looks like it was flayed by some primeval force.


Common gods


Indfarelii - God of light, love, life, etc.; most commonly worshiped; veiwed as the "good guy".

Bruechaeste - God of merchantile, trade, gift giving, the arts, good company, and governs over the dealings of everyday life. Is neither good nor evil, though he is seen as slightly inclined to good, as he likes to see things turn out well.

Juridochii - God of trials and troubles. Governs over the challenges of everyday life and overcoming them. Also known as the god of protection, as he provides strength to endure the troubles that everyone must overcome. Is seen as slightly evil, as he is mischeivious and often causes more trouble then he fixes.. Sort of the opposite of Bruechaeste if it helps you remember it better. They often do contend, but are unique in their own ways.

Drerathi/Dreanoch/Aridellii - The face of evil, seen as the "bad guy" of imperial religion. Drerathi goes by many names, the most common being listed here. He is the god of darkness, hate, violence, and death. Often the favorite of berserk warriors and assasins before combat. A fickle god, Drerathi delights in foul oaths and unholy bonds, that promise him souls (he is also the keeper of the underworld). Does not torture those who die, as they can do no more then taste the sweet oblivion of death as they wander his realm, torture enough for an already weary soul. Tends to keep those particularly productive in dealing death alive, and is so more widely worshipped before battle.



"Fang Breaker"/Hirishile - God of the ice, great protector of the north, and a warrior god. He is often worshipped by the northern tribes and countries as a symbol of power. His sign is the axe, and often and army of northlanders will all carry axes into battle as a symbol of power and might. The "good guy" of the northern religions.

"Nimble Wolf"/Exstrastell - Wolf god, the hunter, and the great enemy. The prime evil of the Northern religions. Theives, and those that deal without honor are often playing host to his influence. His symbol is the lone wolf, and he represents everything hated in northlander society.


Creation Theories

Belifes are widespread and diverse, and nobody really can say how the world formed for sure. But the most common form of this telling is that the gods of the particular religion created the world from their own prime elements.


Some belive things like a more simplistic form of the "Big Bang" theory.


It must be noted, the religious athourities of the imperium, "The Oracles" Belive that a being, or some other form of great entity, called "The Great One" created the world. Yet, they have no deity that could be refrenced as such, and are not fond of clarifing such things.


The Oracles are belived to have a divine connection to the gods, and as such they cannot be faltered. Most are devout worshippers, but some have been noted to use their presteige in their own favor, claiming it to be the will of the gods to take money from innocent people or what not.


Everend and the surrounding countryside

Everend, being the starting town, has drawn my attention... This is what I've come up with on it so far:


-- Everend is set in a low, temperate plain. The plain is a sort of runoff basin for the mountains to the north, and the whole depression of land is fooded during the spring time, enriching the soil and making it prime farmland for many types of crops. Because of this, and its access to other continents via the port, has made Everend a popular place.


Though small and quaint, it is still large enough to support a good economy and has a great amount of trade. Inns and bars are among the most popular businesses, and there is always a good tale to be heard at a local tavern. Other businesses include all manner of shops and shipping companies. You can litterally find almost anything in Everend.


-- The east, south, and western areas around Everend are mostly ocean. To the north, the depression fades slowly into the foothills and then mountins of the Whitespine Mountain Range. Past the mountains are the Thraeden Lowlands, which is occupied Imperial territory. Farther to the east, The Threaden Highlands are abounding, seperated only by a band of mounatins called "the cliffs" because of the sheer walls of stone they create. The highlands are occupied by the old tribes of the northerners.



New Charecter Creation Developments

Your characters background and history can be just about anything you can imagine. I may have mentioned this before, but you must understand that there are many lands I will not talk about, simply so that you have the option of doing whatever you want with your characters. You may even go on to develop the cultures and lands of a new continent that the party may eventually end up going to. Be creative and detailed.


Remember that the most important thing about this game, to me, is that my PCs have fun. In that light, if there is anything I can do to make the experience more enjoyable for you, tell me.

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Name: Kei Lyari


Sex: Female


Former Profession: Privateer and Mercinary


Favorite Weapon: Scimitar, Cutlass

Favorite Drink: Rum

Favorite Wilderness Region: Southern Islands and Beaches

Favorite Time of Day: High Noon

Favorite Season: Summer


Brief History: Kei ran smuggler lines through the south of this land mass. However, her crewmates soon betrayed her on a run with a rival group of privateers. She was sold into bondage, forced to do remedial tasks and even allow the crew to rape her. Her only option was to escape, and send the offenders to their grave at the bottom of the sea. With that, she soon found her way to a small boat at a small island town, and sailed it into port at Everend, hoping to make a quick and easy ammount of currency.


Description: Kei is a very beautiful girl, of 19 years. She has Long red hair, matching the sky at a brilliant crimson sunrise, warning all ill-tided agressors. Her body is built to fight, and yet remains lithe and fair the same. Her eyes are a sparkling emrald green, with a stare like she has seen to beyond. She wears "Modest" apperal that exhibbits her navel and shoulders.


Notes: Um, you are going to expand on the detail of the plot, right? Well, I suppose If I can concentrate to post on this...Ya know, cause I have 4 forums that Im at, and I hardly go on here anymore...Well, Ill give it a shot.

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Plot Expansion and World Development are the most important things to me right now, I have all kinds of stuff I'm working on for this, and its starting to come together really nice I think. I have to tell you though, except for a main goal which I push to accomplish, most of my DMing is done on the spot.


But I am forging a general idea, and thinking of a few devious obstacles to put my PCs through :whistling: .


Thanks for signing up! A few more and we can get underway.

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Burn me if you will mods, I don't know if this would be considered double posting, since the last reply was almost two days ago (I posted the last message in the early morning yesterday, and it is late at night of the next day now... Whatever).


If its really that big of a deal you can send me a pm and I will append this message to the last one, and this reply can be deleted... That all said, let me get to the point.


I need a few more members to get this RP going.. and it irks me to see things on other pages, where it has taken nearly half a month to get enough players to start... I sincerely hope that does not happen. This world is a buring coal set at the back of my mind, a constant reminder of something incomplete, something that must be begun before it can be finished.


To be honest to you Oriana, I still have no idea what you ment by "Um, you are going to expand on the detail of the plot, right? Well, I suppose If I can concentrate to post on this..." Please be more specific on what you mean by "expand the detail of the plot" is there something specific you wish to know? Because I can provide it to you instantly.... But that statement was too general, and I haven't been getting enough sleep as of late, so it may just be that I don't get it... None the less, I would appreciate a clarification.


Speaking of sleep, I'm about to pass out and drown in the cup of coffee on my desk so if this post seems like its compleatly random, or ranting (which it sounds like to me right now) you have my apologies.


I have seen a number of veiws on this thread. I have not taken a look at it since my last post, so I assume it is either random people, or mods making sure everything is cool... No prob either way. But if you are by chance passing through, and you have a bit of spare time.. Sign up!


For those of me who I haven't told already, I'm an impatient person when it comes to Forum RP... I am used to the spontaneous, in-your-face action of chat and RL roleplay... It's a difficult adjustment, and while a week may not seem like a long time to wait on a reply to some of you, I usually get aggrivated if noone has posted a reply by the end of the day. Thats just me.


Anyway, the fact that I am writing this post at midnight on a friday night tells you that I have all too much free time anyway.. Go figure.


Well, if you are doubting about the way I DM, and are reluctant about joining for that reason.. Look at my roleplaying. Its in the "A New Power" thread. The big long ones, you'll know what I'm talking about. If you enjoy reading those, you will most likely like my DMing, as I do it in much the same way, only more devious..


I like traps. ;)


Well... I think that about wraps it up for tonight.. I hope it doesn't sound as runon tomorrow morning as it does now, but chances are slim to none. Sorry bout that all.. Just a few things that I thought should be said.





OOC/EDIT: Yes, you did read it right and I did say "for those of me I haven't told" As well as a few other mistakes that I caught. I'll leave them in for a laugh and a reminder that you should never try to post after a 15 hour day. Don't try, its not fun.

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hey it does take a while for enough people to sign up, and then some never post so... A New power took like a month to get started.


That siad i am making a character:


Name: Jone

sex: male

Age: 37

Former Proffesion: Pirate

Favored Weapon: long Sword

History: Jone was born aboard an immigrant ship coming to this land for it's isolation. During the journey the ship sank, his parents were killed but he survived due to a sailor from another ship taking him in. Once they reached the mainland Jone left the Sailors care and made a living theiving and smuggling. At age 22 he obtained a cargo class frigate and modified it to fit his needs. Jone became quite famous as a Pirate, always leaving his signature on his victims. (burning the sail and killing all aboard but leaving the ship to drift after stripping it of cargo and valubles. One day his luck ran out and his crew was lost at sea along with his ship, he has started a new life but occasionally goes back to his old habits in the form of waylaying caravans.

Description: Jone's slightly curly black hair is kept short and his face is clean shaven. He often wears fur garments hand made by himself from his trappings. A belt holds most of his belongings, but it is worn underneath a thick fur and hide garment. It contains salted meats in pouches, a skin for water, his knife and any other various items. He caries his one weapon salvaged from his old life over his back, a high quality long sword, slightly rusted on it's surface but otherwise new.


PM me if you want me to make adjustments Shadow.

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Yeah, it did seem to take a while... But then you got caught in the middle of the RP lockdown (as I call it). And then about two days after that let up you started to get a whole mess of people.


Anyway, the character looks fine MDRud216. And I figure if we have one or two more regularly posting people we could actually start up. I often end up with only small groups when I DM, but I have a feeling that more will likely show up after we get going.


I am beginning to see a general trend in the characters, even if there is only two. A pirate and a smuggler.. Hmm.. Makes one wonder.


Should be an interesting session. I know that a great deal of you are excellent roleplayers. It will be a total change from the people around where I live.. They stink, both ways.


Anyway, I'm out for now. Later.

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