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FWE Question - Viable Pistols?


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I've been playing through a FWE-modded Fallout 3 lately with a power armoured Big Guns wielding character. And with an M60 and Bozar,it feels good,though the Missile Launcher and Grenade Launcher felt outlandishly underpowered. However,I've been finding some interesting handguns,including a high-explosive .223 Pistol that I've never seen before. So,this got me thinking; With FWE's absolute embarrassment of handguns,are any of them viable for use as a primary weapon against any target? Including extreme targets,such as Enclave troopers (95% DR from the armour),Deathclaw Matriarchs (Huge HP,decent DR,from MMM),and the familiar Super Mutant Behemoth. I refuse to use a Fat Man,or the MIRV,since FWE expands blast radii,and those weapons have huge spread,even under ideal circumstances. Which almost always leads to self-destruction. Especially considering that most Behemoth encounters are close quarters. My Big Guns character kills Behemoths by crippling their legs,then dumping into centre of mass. This spends around 800 rounds of 7.62mm.


So,are there any weapons that are viable against those targets,that fit the following criteria;

-Governed by either the "Small Guns" or "Energy Weapons" skill,but isn't a Plasma gun. (I can't lead a moving target with plasma for love nor money.)

-Is visibly used in a single hand.

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