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Some poems I wrote awhile back.


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I wrote this about 4 years ago for a school competition.


Black Hole


Unseen in this open sky,

sucking up everything in its own feral way.


Light never reaching,

rocks always colliding,

dirt always shifting,

gravity overwhelming.


A force unbounding in power,

a great heaping maw grasping victims in its fatally seductive grip.


With uncounting horrors lurking behind its death mask,

paralyzing you in the chest as you gaze into that black mass.


So what do think of my poem - Raz

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well, from the powerful to just plain silly.


The Cat


The cat likes to sleep around the house.


The cat is always looking for that next mouse.


The cat likes to lay in your lap,

purring loudly as if there was only that.


That is why life is nice,

when your only a cat.

- Raz

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from the silly to the spiritual


Soundless Light


A white light bathing you in warmth and compassion.


Bringing you in closer to the feeling of blissful joy as you become one and nothingness.


Joyous singing of the harmonious nector of living in the psalm.


Praying to become all that transforms into the Soundless Light.

- Raz


OT> about that last poem, what can I say we all love our pets. :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's another one I wrote a while back.


Endless Nights


Stars Streaking,

noises blaring on these endless nights.


Hospitals caring,

babies crying on these endless nights.


Dogs barking,

cats meowing on these endless nights.


Priest's praying,

people playing on these endless nights.


Children singing,

bells a ringing on those endless nights.


- Raz

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It was the first poem I wrote outside of class and as a hobby, so I consider it to be VERY disjointed and not very good but I do like that last verse as well.

some of my poems are dis-jointed also,I have a tendacy to be a non-comformist,but I always rejoin the stanza's later in the poem

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