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DG Husky attacks no matter what


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Made a Husky as a NPC's dog. Started with AI data Brave and Neutral. Dog attacks me. AI Data to Unaggressive and Cautious, dog attacks a cow. Added CreatureFriendFaction, dog no longer attacks cow just me. Made dog part of the populace faction "FarmFaction" which all NPCs are part of, attacks me. In the faction made Player as "Friend" dog attacks me, just the dog never Citizens. Changed Base from DLC1Husky to NONE, checked his Package which is essentially Sit and Laydown in order duration 5, dog attacks. WHen approaching dog he goes into guard stance, if I stop his package takes over either lie or sit. If I move he comes up in the HUD as an enemy - jumps at me, bites once and either sits or lies down until I move again then attacks.

WTH is up with these Mutts?

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