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Can anyone explain the Stormcloak/Imperial War better to me?


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I don't really know or understand a lot about it. All I know is that the Stormcloaks are revolting because they believe that they are the, "children of Skyrim". But why do they want to revolt. I just joined the Imperial Army because the guy who recruits you into the Stormcloaks said he wanted to kill all elves, and I was a Dark Elf. Plus, he was a major a**hole to me. So, can anyone explain the war to me? It would be nice to understand the conflict of the whole game ^-^
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Have you spoken to NPCs in the game? The Battleborns, the Jarls? They explain it quite well. Anyway, it pretty much boils down to a religious dispute. The White Gold Concordant (?) is an agreement between the Thalmor and the Empire, part of which denounces Talos' status as a God. The Nords don't agree as they worship Talos and see this agreement and the Empire's presence in Skyrim as a threat to their right to worship whomever they wish. In a bid to ensure this right carries on, the Nords have broken away from the Empire to secure their independence.


That's a brief and hopefully accurate summation. You'll be able to find more info by Googling or talking to NPCs though.

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And, in for the long haul. The Wiki page explains the basic premise, but there is a lot beyond that. Theres a lot one has to consider thats not in the game as well, or thats only hinted at, but i'll summarise without going too deep into philosophic issues like Primary vs Secondary freedoms, theology, conspiracies etc.


Empire ;

When the Empire sued for peace after the Battle of the Red Ring (a battle which decimated the Domminion, but left the Empire unable to support a war in foreign territory) one of the concessions it made was to denounce Talos worship. A year later, Ulfric Stormcloak put down a rebellion in the Reach and demanded the reinstatement of Talos worship, which in accordance with the White Gold Concordant, was impossible. The Empire had the choice of ending the peace treaty, or refusing Ulfric. Since it had not recovered from the Great War, it did the latter, starting a period of tension between the Imperial establishment and Ulfric's followers, calling themselves the Stormcloaks.


This period of tension continued until after the death of the High King (whose name i forget) and the election of his one Torygg. Shortly after his corrination, Ulfric challenged Torygg to single combat, dissabled him with a shout and killed him, marking the beginning of official rebellion against the Empire. The Empire beleives that Skyrim is an Imperial Province and is required to abide by Imperial Law (and thus follow the terms of the Concordant). It is heavily implied, however, that the Empire is unwilling to commit major forces to the rebellion in Skyrim because it is preparing for an invasion of the Domminion. So, to the Empire, obeying the Concordant serves the purpose of giving them time to rebuild their strenght for round 2.


Stormcloaks :

The Stormcloaks are united partially because of the Talos ban, and partially because they beleive their own traditions are more important than Imperial Law. In the latter case, for instance, the way Torygg died was perfectly acceptable, if a little show-boaty, where as the Empire views it as Regicide. Regardless, they are mostly held together by Ulfric, and seek a return to the age of Skyrim's independance (and its several short lived Empires...).


They see the Empire's agreeing to the Concordant as not only a sign of weakness, but also a betrayal of their faith. Many would rather die than forsake Talos. At the same time, they beleive that Skyrim alone can weather the storm of the Domminion, and that it doesn't need the Empire, who only draws fighting men and resources out of Skyrim to preserve territories they (the Stormcloaks) care nothing about.



That's the perspective of both sides. Here's a bit of a timeline... All in the 4th Era


1 - Blackmarsh and Elswyr succed from the Empire

22 - Thalmor take control of Summurset Isles

29 - Thalmor reform the Aldmeri Domminion by taking control of Valenwood, and unifying it with Summurset

115 - Elswyr joins the Domminion

171-175 The Great War

176 - Markarth Incedent

? - Torygg elected to be High King by the Moot

201 - Ulfric kills Torygg


The timeline, of course, indicates that there was ample time to leave the Empire in the past, which means that this entire situation revolves around Ulfric. Whether he is a power hungry mad-man, or a genuine hero working for the benefit of Skyrim is up to the individual to decide.

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Basically, my view on the war is this: Ulfric Stormcloak uses the ban on Talos worship following the White-Gold concordat as his rallying cry. His army is fierce if a bit scattered. While his cause may be true, it is widely believed that Ulfric isn't at all interested in Skyrim's liberty, or the welfare of its people. According to Saerlund (Jarl Laila Law Giver's son) the only thing he cares about is himself - becoming the next high king of Skyrim. The Imperial forces represent the crumbling empire of Titus Mede II fighting desperately to keep Skyrim in the Empire, because as of the events of Skyrim, the Empire is consisted of the largely inhospitable Morrowind, the Breton High Rock, Imperial Cyrodill and Skyrim. Basically the Empire wants as much troops it can muster for the next war with the Aldmeri Dominion. True, the Empire has its dark corners much like the Stormcloak rebellion, although their cause is not only just, it ensures the safety of entire mankind and even merkind that oppose the Thalmor.
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