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Script Extender

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Neither of those. The script extender allows modders to access extra functionality that wasn't there before. It's probably most useful for making extra native Papyrus functions available, allowing scripters to do things that wouldn't otherwise be possible.



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A script extender is an add on to the game engine functions provided in the SDK (construction kit) The new functions allow a mod maker to add new things to the game that were not included and would be impossible without the new functions. For a user - all you need is to have the script extender installed and running when you start the game each time. Then you get to use the stuff added by the modder who used the script extender. :thumbsup: If you try to use a mod that was made using the script extender when it is not installed, when the game tries to use the script extender functions in that mod it will probably crash - often before the game gets past the first loading screen.


Always start the game using the script extender and not the 'launcher' provided with the game - the script extender will then start the game after it has loaded. Most Mod managers provide a launcher that includes the script extender for that game (NMM, Wrye Bash, OBMM and others)


Typically, every time the game is updated with a new version, the script extender must also be updated before it can work with the new version - this may take a couple of days

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Thanks guys :) So that would explain why few mods dint work for me and just crasched game. So it means its good to have it when you play mods. Any safe site where I can download/buy it? I run into few fakes or at least not explained what it does ones while searching internet so Im cautionus.
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