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T3M Chinese Armor fix request


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I've tried everything I could think of and still cannot fix the problem of having no hands. The mod author can't be contacted.


Does anyone like putting some hands on?


Thank you for taking the time to read this request.


The problem can be seen here.


For the female.




For the male



I'm thinking this a fix that's needed. One that's beyond my current abilities.


Thank you for your time.

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The JNF Falcon http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/37425 which is the vertibird you see to your left


T3M clothing http://newvegas.nexu....com/mods/44711 (what I'm trying to get fixed)


Underground hideout and better hideout surroundings (the location of the photo)


For Underground Hideout*I highly recommend this for a player home* http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/37884


For Better Hideout Surroundings http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/43375


I tweaked the BHS mod by removing a useless tent, an NPC guarding the place and moved the vendor from the MUd CR48 Merchant Mod (found here http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40555) from Goodsprings to the tent you see.


So when I get back from a mission I take all the crap I collected and sell it to the robot who has unlimited caps... so I can make money.


The grass was added by me via the G.E.C.K and so where the trees.


All the mods have been tweaked by me for personal use. I can not release my tweaks until I get permission from the authors and those authors aren't very active these days.


I have tons more mods but those were the one in the photo.

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Works!! Thank you kudos to you man! Thank you so much for fixing that! ;)


puts in the female biped model huh? That was driving me insane.


Thank you again for taking the time to handle that. Too bad I can't give more than one kudos to the same person.

Edited by Skyviper086
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Yeah I have mad respect for the authors that take their valuable time and make a okay game even better. I was angry at myself because I thought I had conflict somewhere and I tried hunting down. Deleting this and that. Even ported a Stealth from the FO3 Game of Year edition I own over to New Vegas. Like I said I tried a everything a newbie with my limited skills could think of.


Again, thank you so much man. I've been on this stealth suit craze for a minute now. Looking for re-textures for them and whatnot. Have an idea for one. Not sure its possible or not but it seems cool. Anyhew thank you for your time and I wish you all the best. I'll be on the look out for more of your work too :).



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