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so how do I get the game to run? played once since i bought it


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I have tried over and over again to get skyrimSE to run.. when i first bought it, i played it, then played it with mods.. all was good.. i didn't play for a few months decided to play again and NOPE

game launcher comes up, then I get an error saying that skse does not support the newest version of the game, I downloaded the newest version on the website. made sure it was the SE version

I dont understand SKSE via STEAM cause when i press play, it takes me to the normal SKYRIM page, and says BUY? like i dont own skyrim


I tried disabled all the mods, tried again.. nothing. then i get a error saying netframeworks.runtime.dll wont load, or crashed


I finally just now just uninstalled the game, and im downloading it again

does the game not work with mods now? can you not use SKSE with the steam version?

I mean, I cant even load the game w/out any mods active

I have tried via the loader, the launcher file, the main skyrimse.exe

I have tried via NMM

get the same error everytime

I sure would like to be able to play the game

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If you're using SKSE for special edition, you want to start steam (I usually go in offline mode) and have steam running but minimized, then start Skyrim via the SKSE launcher shortcut. If you use the steam start, it will bypass SKSE and you'll have problems.


If that still doesn't work, you may want to verify your game files via steam, make sure the update didn't snarl up somewhere. Then go to silverlock.org and re-download SKSE, install according to the readme included, and try again.


If you're still having trouble, you may find it easier to flush the whole bunch, install everything from scratch, with a fresh game and no mods. Then, once working, re-install your fav mods from there. I can say for sure, the latest version of Skyrim SE and the latest version of SKSE64 do work together.

Edited by thumbincubation
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