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Can't seem to tag my file!


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I just uploaded a new mod, and of course I wanted to tag it with some basic info. However, it seems like I am unable to tag that file (or the other files I've tried tagging). Every time I click an arrow it says "No ID was supplied for this action." Is this a known issue? And is there some kind of workaround?
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I'm getting the same on my mod:



Can someone try tagging it for me?



I just successfully tagged it -- I checked only the "Gameplay Effects/Changes" tag, since that's the file category you put it in. Are you able to tag it yourself now?

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I'm getting the same on my mod:



Can someone try tagging it for me?



I just successfully tagged it -- I checked only the "Gameplay Effects/Changes" tag, since that's the file category you put it in. Are you able to tag it yourself now?


It seems to happening with every upload, after awhile you should be able to tag it though, usually a few hours, least that what happened with me with the mods I uploaded over the weekend.

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Unfortunately I STILL can't tag my file, and it has been more than a week.

Was it the Frozen Ice Armor in Skyrim files? Not that it's probably much help to you, but I did (as a mere member, you understand :biggrin: ) manage to turn on 2 orange tags -- Armour - female and Armour - male, just to see if suggested tags were working. I hope your uploader tagging gets fixed soon for you.

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Just reporting that this has also happened with my latest file - Papyrus Assembly package for Sublime Text 2


I'll edit this post once I've been able to successfully tag it.



If the information is of any use to you, it looks like the problem is confined to author tagging, not any-old-member tagging: I just gave your file an orange tag under Utilities for Modders. Good luck.

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Thanks, I noticed that :) (see edit)


I've managed to tag the file myself now, but not via the usual method. Instead, I used Visual Event to view the JavaScript events attached to the tagging buttons and manually tagged them by calling the event in the browser's console and manipulating the "ID" argument (which was 0 on the page, instead of 24009 as it should have been).


If it helps, I'm using Chrome 21.0.1180.89, and I also tried this via my iPhone and had the same problem.






Actually, the orange tag I noticed was "Language - English". I wonder if that might have been someone else then, if not you?



Edited by Cipscis
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