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Imagespace modifiers


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I've been messing around with the imagespace modifiers for a while now, trying to make one that is both bright enough during the night and not too bright during the day, but I can't seem to get it done. I wanted to make Vampire's Vision more of a permanent power, which would (in my humble opinion) be a real "improved eyesight". Colours would be more vibrant and night would not be an issue. But anything I try to make it brighter at night only makes it too bright during the day, so help? Please?
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You could have it so the I-mod. is only applied if the time is between certain hours, daytime in your case.


I assume you are scripting this?


If so, you can write a script that detects time of day and so on. I used something like that in one of my mods, but honestly, I cannot remember it off the top of my head. I will get back to you in the morning as I'm too tired at this time of night to start looking into scripts and such lol


So, in other words, fixable as far as I am aware :)

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I was afraid it was going to be something like this.


Are you sure this is the only way? I would think that you could somehow renormalise the colours on screen, making the brightest colour equal to 100%/255 and adjusting the rest accordingly.


Perchance, does anybody know what the "fade" component of an Imod does exactly?

Edited by AulisVaara
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Hang on, I thought you said a ring for some reason... (probably because it is almost 3am here, lol)


I'm guessing Vampire's Vision is a spell? Not familiar with how spells work, sorry.


I guess that you would have to just go for a balance then. Good old tweaking 'til you get it right :)

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Well, it just passed 0400 here ^_^


Well I could do it with two Imods at different times of the day, but it'll feel clunky when it shifts. Plus, if it's really cloudy during the day, the feel shouldn't change too much (at least, that's what I'm going for, minimal changes between different lighting conditions).

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