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Need advice on deleting Dawnguard


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Played through most of Dawnguard and its radiant quests. But the crashing and freezing is killing my spirit. Plus, I turned off ALL mods to play Dawnguard, and now I want them back.


I *thought* I deleted Dawnguard and I reinstalled (note reinstalled) Skyrim, but Dawnguard loaded back up from Steam.


So, how to I delete Dawnguard?


While I wait for your answer, I'm deactivating it in NMM and deleting every system folder and file I can find.


Thank you.

Edited by AbleGnome
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I was going to suggest control panel , programs and programs features uninstall a program, but I couldn't find it in mine, so you could go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim and the data folder and look for Dawnguard.BSA the extension is hidden and also find the Dawnguard.esm file there and delete them and then use CCleaner Slim to clean your registry that's if your comfortable using programs that clean the registry!..


I think dawnguard isn't in my control panel window uninstall a program is because I removed my skyrim folder and copied in a backed up version to my C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\steam folder :wallbash:


someone else may come along with a better solution, don't use revo uninstaller it well remove everything including steam

Edited by sinnerman69
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I did exactly that. I deleted the esm and bsa files, as well as deactivating the mod in NMM. I then reloaded all the mods, then updated skse. I started the game from skse shortcut and all looked well (I got the usual screen about content has changed). I immediately saved the game, logged out, then reloaded and went back in.


Everything has been great so far. I love Serena as a follower, I really do, but the crashes were really ruining it all for me, after NO crashes at all since 11/11/11.


I hope this works and I'm back on track. If not, you can bet I'll post again.


Thank you for the help.

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Dude should be cake.


You need to get Skyrim Unplugged. Or tell Steam to Stop updateing your game in its settings panel. Also remember you should never run the game using Skyrims luancher anyway. Thats just asking for trouble unless you know just what it is you are doing like say changeing your settings and then double check to see if it changed anything else.


Next after you put a leash on Steam


Go to your Skyrim/Data folder and look for the DawnGuard.esm and DawnGuard.BSA

Remove them to a backup or whatever


Go to your Skyrim.ini and make sure that your

[Archieve] line does not have


-Dawnguard.bsa in the line


or you should crash each time you load becuase it cant find the BSA when the game loads.


Next you need to go to C:\USERS\Yourname\APPDATA\LOCAL\SKYRIM and edit your plugins.ini and delete DawnGuard.esm

This way when you load the game there isn't a "master" loading list that tells your launcher its SOL cause Dawngaurd.esm masterfile is missing

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Aarrgh! I'm an idiot. I went into Steam and did the cache integrity---it found two files missing....guess which ones? That's right, Dawnguard began downloading again and I can't seem to stop it. I can pause it. I'm letting it run, then I"ll just delete the .esm and .bsa again. Steam is insidious and unrelenting. There are fewer pros than cons for me. I just want my single game, I don't want a forced marriage!!
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Aarrgh! I'm an idiot. I went into Steam and did the cache integrity---it found two files missing....guess which ones? That's right, Dawnguard began downloading again and I can't seem to stop it. I can pause it. I'm letting it run, then I"ll just delete the .esm and .bsa again. Steam is insidious and unrelenting. There are fewer pros than cons for me. I just want my single game, I don't want a forced marriage!!


LOL I've done stupid stuff like that plenty of times with other games and well this one too LOL.


It gets better when Beth has released all the content they plan on making and stop putting out patches.

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