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Mount&Blade Heroes Of Calradia


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Ive been working this over for sometime, I like the historical aspect of Mount&Blade and I like the period and idea of the game series. So i propose an open-ended charecter driven roleplay. Play as a Lord of Swadia, a Knight Of Vaegir or even a mercenary or bandit lord. Since the third expansion went into our history Im going to do abit of re-editing and add taht the same countries in the time of fire and sword, pistols and muskets are commonplace and field cannons are used in sieges aswell as other blackpowder weapons, but the are unreliable and the bow and sword are still the main forms of war. In this Roleplay all you need to do is post a description, faction alignment, heritige (Noble or Non-Noble) gender, three weapon skills and equipment. (Try to keep it within reality) You can start out as a member of a army and work your way to command one or start out as a impoverished noble that seeks revenge on another lord for his misdeeds, challenge rivals for a ladies heart, marry for love or status, become king or lead a rebellion. Siege castles and claim them as your own for King and country or for yourself.
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Name: Charles De Leone


Alignment: None, Mercenary Captain.


Place Of Birth: Veluca.


Description: Tall and handsome, scar under his left cheek from a duel in his youth over the heart of a woman against the son of a noblemen. Long dark brown hair with a blue eye and green eye.


Status: Bastard son of a noble and a prostitute.


Equipment: Carries a rapier, he took countless lessons in fencing and his considered a expert duelist and professional Rake (A man of non-noble birth that fights honor duels for a noblemen) He is also a marksmen with a pistol and musket, often carries twin dual shot dutch pistols. He sometimes wears a chestguard during battles but prefers his armored jacket. His horse Sophia a mare that has been with him since his cavalry days.


Background: Born to a prostitute mother and a Rhodok Noble, he bears his mothers Swadian name but considers himself a man without a country. He joined the Rhodok military to escape the wrath of a wealthy merchant after he was caught in the room of the mans daughter. he fought his way to becoming a captain of a Free Company. After he was discharged for drunken brawling he was hired by various nobles as a Rake; there he learned the machinations of Calradias nobility and the warmth of ladies in waiting, with that in hand he was expelled from teh court's and never allowed to work as a Rake. He spent the next few years in a drunken stupor and was eventually found by an ex-member of his free company. With his help he reforged the men into a new Mercenary Company and now works as a freelancer. His first contract was to hunt down the now exiled and fugitive noble that was his father. He had been proven to be a traitor to the kingdom and was sentenced to death, but he had fled before justice could be exacted.

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Seems as though it could be promising.


Name: Del Tuphun


Alignment: Chief of a Neutral village, named Poluk, in a high mountain pass on the border of the Khergit Stepps and Vaegirs territory.


Place of Birth: Poluk


Description: Del has many Khergit features, including tanned skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. He keeps a clean shaven face and head.


Status: Chief of Poluk


Equipment: He has a large warm fur coat due to the climate of the mountain pass in which Poluk resides, a warm cotton shirt and pants, large fur boots, and a warm hood attached to his coat. He has a large knife he keeps in a sheath attached to the inside of his coat. He has a beloved horse named Khin, who is his greatest companion, as per Khergit customs. The saddle for his horse has a quiver, and nomad bow attached, which Del wields with deadly proficiency on horseback.


Background: Born to the old Chief of Poluk, Del was always in line to rule this village. Most of the village has a Khergit culture, though it is modified to work within the confines of the mountain, as well as breeding their own specialized horses for the harsh environment. Del grew up in the snow with his horse and his bow, off on cold adventures whenever he wasn't learning official duties from his father. After the passing of his father, Del took over the village, and currently resides there.

Edited by nethgros
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Edit: double post Edited by nethgros
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So how many people do you want before the RP begins?
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So how many people do you want before the RP begins?
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