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Cant marry random NPC attacking my wedding


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every time i try to get married some random Npc attacks the wedding even if i kill them another takes the place i have tried tcai and the wedding just randomly cut out and say i failed to attend wedding, i have even tired all of my mods off and started a new game to no success so any help would be appreciated
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  • 1 month later...
This may be an old, possibly dead topic, but since I've been running into "marriage problems" in Skyrim myself, I've stumbled across what might be causing your problem. In theory, if you've stolen anything out of the Temple of Mara without getting caught, Maramal will actually get "Hired Thugs" to attack you during any wedding you try to attend. I may have read this as a "bug" in the game, but it sounds more like a feature to me. Check the first bullet under the "Trivia" section here: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Maramal
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