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Mod to find NPCs


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How many times have you scoured the entire city looking for that one person to train you in a skill?


How many times have you groped around in the dark of High Hrothgar for Arngeir to give you a word-of-power location?


As with Esbern in the humongous Sky Haven temple?


I suggest a mod where players can ask one of the other NPCs "where's [insert name of wanted NPC" and then get a quest target pointing you there. I know! i know..the moment i said it i thought it was gonna be a huge-ass task, namely 'how the hell would an NPC know the locations of all the people you wanted to find?" or "even know who you're looking for"?


I am clueless about modding and just thought id kinda toss my coin in the wishing pond.


What do you think?

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