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FO4 Worldspace size limit solution?

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Hello everyone! I need help from experienced world-makers, which are familiar with making big FO4 landscape mods. Recently, I made and 128x128 sized terrain map, generated lods - converted .esp file into .esm. But for some reason, when I'm trying to reach certain distant areas of my level - the game is just crashing. When I'm disabling collision, I could reach there and clearly see land meshes and water, but as soon as I'm enabling it - game is crashing. I used some trick for Skyrim, in order to bypass worldspace limit, such as:



the game is still crashing, any help and any tip will be greatly appreciated, or at least confirmation, that Fallout 4 is more outdated in this matter comparing to Skyrim, and designed for small worldspaces, since during searching for a solution I found out, that for Skyrim people made worlds much larger than 128x128, and with havok .ini tweak they worked fine. Thanks in advance!

Edited by deronar
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