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Oblivion Merge Cloth and Armour


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I wanted to create battle robes for the archmage because his regular are unenchanted and i decided that battle robes would look better. I made a mesh using nifskope combining the archmages robe with a cuirass from a mod. I enlarged the robes a little, and made the cuirass smaller. when i load oblivion and put on the robes, the cuirass is missing. onlt an enlarged robe remains. i want to know how to fix this. TIA

PS-sorry if the explanation was not good.

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If you merge contents from NIF files, it is easy to mess up the little touchy NIF tree structure so the game can't read it correctly anymore.


A look at your NIF tree would help in figuring out what's wrong. Usually it's things like duplicate "Scene Root" nodes or one inside another, which will put the game off while it still looks alright in NifSkope.

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We still need to know what the error is first. There's a multitude of things which can go wrong when merging NIF files in NifSkope, and they're usually easy to spot, if you know what to look for.

I don't know what you did when you copied the cuirass mesh into the cloak NIF, so I can't say where you went wrong. If we'd see the NIF tree or were able to look at the NIF ourselves, we would know and could tell you.


But for what it's worth, when copying meshes from one NIF into another, make sure you use "copy branch" on the NiTriShapes/Strips and "paste branch" it into the "NiNode 0 - Scene Root". Don't copy&paste the "Scene Root" NiNode itself or anything!

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Now, now, don't be so harsh. Blender is a little more complex to learn than a simple armor mash-up in NifSkope and I can imagine for a newcomer it's much too daunting to even consider it at first.


Those armor mash-ups are usually done with only NifSkope anyways, and while there sure will be clipping issues, I've seen an abundance of mods done exactly that way, without the help of any real modeling app or anything. The OP wants to start slow, so let him do just that.


@OP: We will need either a screenshot of the NIF tree on the left, completely expanded so we can see every node, or you could just upload your NIF itself some place so we could have a look at it in NifSkope ourselves.


edit: Oh, and for what it's worth, the NIF tree structure can be messed up the exact same way even in Blender, when not doing the merge correctly from the start. It will definitely help knowing what to look out for when this happens in future.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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