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Brightly glowing hairs!


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I noticed recently that some of my installed hairs are glowing as brightly as the sun. There are about 6 of them, and I know it's the hairs because in the character creation screen the glow only appears while I'm cycling through the hairstyles, and it always appears on the same hairstyles. This occurs on NPCs that have the hairs in the game as well.


I have several hair mods installed including:


Apachii Sky Hair

Cazy hairs


Oblivion Hair Pack




the glow effect doesn't seem restricted to any particular hair pack.

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Are you using an ENB configuration? If so, try lowering the SpecularAmountMultiplier and SpecularPowerMultiplier entries in enbseries.ini. Also try lowering LenzReflectionIntensity and increasing LensReflectionPower. Lowering bloom and direct lighting could help too if those don't help. If you are not using ENBseries, what other graphics mods are you using that could be causing such an issue? Edited by rinoaff33
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