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2H weapons in one hand!!


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I would really like and others may also like it, a mod which adds an two handed weapons extra feature and a new axe. First, the animations of the two handed weapons should be able to switch between holding your 2h in one hand or in two (default), it would be really cool to hold your 2h, for example, axe in one hand, and hold it almost right under the blade of the axe. This would be a really cool feature, and to switch between holding it with one or with two hands, left click the weapon to equip in one hand and after right click it to hold it with two.


The new axe, it should be called "The Great Guillotine" and should have a large blade, really large and a smaller handle but still big enough for 2h. It should be as strong as ebony or something, pretty strong but not too strong.



PS You should not be able to wear dual wield when wearing a 2 handed weapon in one hand (same 2h rules as always)!


Thanks in advance


I'm taking League of Legends Darius as an example!!

Edited by Maicol0815
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