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skyrim spell mod issue


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okay whenever i get a spell mod it runs the game fine but when i learn that spell and i go into spell menu before it even shows spells skyrim immediately crashes this includes when i use psb so i was wondering if im missing a mod or something any info you can give would be a great help thx

also when it crashes there is no error code or anything it just goes straight to desktop

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okay whenever i get a spell mod it runs the game fine but when i learn that spell and i go into spell menu before it even shows spells skyrim immediately crashes this includes when i use psb so i was wondering if im missing a mod or something any info you can give would be a great help thx

also when it crashes there is no error code or anything it just goes straight to desktop


Ok dude that's not really enough to go on.

1st I have no idea which spell mod.

2nd no idea what other mods you have

3rd no idea what game Ver SKSE ver ScriptDragon VER

4th no computer specs

5th no settings info


You could have been on the verge of a crash and just not noticed it till now.


Things you need to do. Uninstall the spells mod and see if your game still crashes.

Verify the intigrity of the save your using is it corrupt some corrupt saves still load.

Run a papyrus log.

Think about your mods list. Really hard. Double check to see if you have the right mods for the version of skyrim you are playing.

Think hard about what Version of the game your character exsists in. If it exsists in pre 1.7.7 and your all updated guess what! that toon is toast anyway not worth bothering with.

You could have downloaded and uninstalled mods that leave scripts in your save file. This is always bad and not Beths fualt its yours!


Your game could have been toast before you DL'd your spell mod however

Check to see if you already have a spell mod.

Check to see if the spell mod your using is good for your version of the game.

Check to see if you have overhauls that effect spells.

Check to see if you have the correct GUI mod and installed properly IE CAtorogized Favorites Menu

Check the front page of the spell mod for KNOWN CONFLICTS.

Check to see if the mod author even still supports the spell mod or if he stopped pre 1.7.7

Hey guess what it might be you downloaded something that sounded nice and its not anymore.

Check to see if you have a Killmoves mod that's bugging your animations can cause crashes.

Check to see if you have FNIS at your version number.

Did you run a FNIS update animations thingy.


Man there's soo many things that it could be and your unknown spell mod is like the one that broke the camels back or mybe it was the one 10 or 20 mods ago.

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okay i checked every thing u said my skse is up to date the mods i have are good and alll that but i dont know how to update my fnis so if u could tell me that wou;d be great


FNIS is an animations mod for Skyrim that adds more animations.

For instance Dancing, Poses, and other Idles like standing over a campfire and warming hands.


If your asking me how to update it you may not even have it installed other than that check his mod page. To get that mod working though you'd have to use the tool for it in Data\tools\


Still if your checking back how about bringing some more info on what mods you have and version numbers you've got.

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