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World of Warcraft-like camera mod


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I've been looking for a mod, or anything, that locks the camera to the players back, rather than, doing what the skyrim camera does, for lack of better words. I'm not familiar with the camera types here, but I'm looking for a mod or code that makes the Skyrim camera feel more like World of Warcraft, Rift, etc.


Any suggestions?

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Camera in Skyrim sucks. & that is putting it mildly.


A perfect port of F3 or new vegas would be awesome; as it is the things that bother me the most are the


'limit on how close you can zoom in when in third person before it "snaps back' to first person view. ( suxors )


& the camera snap to rear whenever you move; making it impossible to look at yourself WHILE RUNNING TOWARD THE CAMERA.


Those two exclusions in the SK camera settings seem like a terrible, terrible idea; Anyone have a fix? even if it's copy/pasting [camera] commands from F3 or NV?

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