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Another organization fits in Skyrim


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So in Dawnguard we have vampires,dawngurard factions and perks for werevolfs and vampirers but another another organizations fits in Skyrim.! It"s name is The brohterhood of Dragon blade. Members of this organizations are ultimate monster slayers,equiped with wide range of gear. Starting from light to heavy armor,wepoenes including spears,large shields,shouts. Some of new shouts shoud be Holly Moonlight shout...it summons holy moonlight to reduce undead creatures to dust and to heal player and its follower if present,Suns divine flame shout..this shoud be one of most deadly shouts ever....it summons sunns divine flame to fall from sky and to burn foes around player to ashes....it also shoud be added location of Sacred Temple Prime for the brotherhood of Dragon blade. There should be oltars of brotherhood"s gods. This mod should also add some new dragons wich are good by nature and they should be brotherhoods allies. If posible it aslo should be added new transformation power with perks it should be power to transform into one of dragon titans becouse brotherhoods enemy number one is Kronos a massive dragon of death,chaos and destruciton.
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