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Actor Animation problem


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ok, so i'm once again getting an itch to play morrowind, and i've installed it along with several mods. everything appears to work at first glance.


i'm walking to balmora from seyda neen at the beginning of the game when an error comes up, then a ctd.


the error has come up with two different variations so far:


Actor Animation problem with "BE_hlaalu
This actor has no Animation class!


and the other error was the same thing, but it referred to "cliffracer00000002" instead.


I'm not sure what mods could relate to this. I have MGE, GCD, balmora expansion, morrowind visual packs, others that i don't think could relate.


I also have Wrye Mash, but don't know really what to do with it.


I searched already, and found a thread or two, but no real answers that helped.


Any ideas?

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Something about the viewing distance. I'm getting the same thing when I tried to install Giants creature mods. I'm gonna try it when I go home (at work currently so I can't help on that.) But I wish you the best of luck.



Edit - I just realized how old this post is. Lol Google doesn't list them in chronological order. Lol

Edited by MakoRuu
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