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CTD when loading to open world, Papyrus log question


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Papyrus log opened (PC)

[09/01/2012 - 04:53:54PM] Update budget: 2.000000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 2.000000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)

[09/01/2012 - 04:53:54PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)

[09/01/2012 - 04:54:59PM] Cannot open store for class "LukasDetectLife_Script", missing file?


Does anyone know what this missing file is? I think that it is what is killing my game but I am not sure. Ever since the initial patch for Skyrim, I couldn't start new games because my game would crash during the intro movie prior to making your character.


I have tried removing all mods and uninstalling the game and clearing out the file completely. Currently the mods that I have are:















WATER - Get Wet.esp


Mods (that weren't included in plugins)-



Dimonized UNP

Improved NPC clothing High Res

Skyrim HD (all)

Static Mesh Improvement Mod

Alternate Start (not activated)


PC Specs-

Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz


Vista 32 bit

Nvidia GeForce GTX 670


Any and all help is greatly appreciated.



Papyrus log help, have troubleshooted for 2 days straight to no avail.

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All right dude


Are you saying that you uninstalled the game. This is a fresh install with mods then?


Your game is crashing at the Intro Movie before the Menu prompt?


Your game is crashing on the way to Helgon in the wagon ride before character creation?


By Fresh install did you remove





Ok so you could have a borked ini file that you've tweaked for mods you had previously loaded.

Make sure your not useing UGRIDS 7 stick with the default 5


Skyrim HD (all) <--2048 or 4096?

Static Mesh Improvement Mod


WATER - Get Wet.esp


I'm not sure you should use these. You see on the ride to Helgon are you haveing low FPS.


Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz


Vista 32 bit

Nvidia GeForce GTX 670 <---You put a beastly card into your old computer?


did you make sure to get the proper power supply as well?


I think your game is crashing becuase you've overburdened the GPU which is likely bottlenecked somewhere with your other hardware.


Since this is a fresh install try removeing

Skyrim HD (all) <--2048 or 4096?

Static Mesh Improvement Mod


WATER - Get Wet.esp

Improved NPC clothing High Res


till after you get done with Helgon.


Thing is I wouldn't use anything over 1024 textures for gameplay.


When a mod says High Res they texture scale is 4096 and that's way off the charts for most of us.

Try a texture optimizer and butcher that stuff down to like 1024 or lower.

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Thanks for answering!


Are you saying that you uninstalled the game. This is a fresh install with mods then?




Your game is crashing on the way to Helgon in the wagon ride before character creation?


>>My game is crashing on the way during the ride. It is smooth all throughout until the wagon takes the first turn to the left, then it CTDs. I ran the alternate beginning mod for a bit just to have some semblance of gameplay and was able to create a character and do indoor actions, but it CTD when it went to the loading screen to the open world. And by this I mean that the loading screen was there in it's entirety with the floating models and quote and level bar, it just never left that screen.


By Fresh install did you remove





>>I am almost positive that I stripped my computer of Skyrim


Ok so you could have a borked ini file that you've tweaked for mods you had previously loaded.

Make sure your not useing UGRIDS 7 stick with the default 5


>>What is UGRIDS?


Skyrim HD (all) <--2048 or 4096? >> I think it is the 4096. When I am indoors it works really well and looks absolutely amazing. But my game crashes on the loading screen to the outside/ open world.

Static Mesh Improvement Mod


WATER - Get Wet.esp


I'm not sure you should use these. You see on the ride to Helgon are you haveing low FPS.


>>Not sure how to check FPS in-game but it was very smooth while it worked


did you make sure to get the proper power supply as well?


>>I have a 1000Watt power supply


I think your game is crashing becuase you've overburdened the GPU which is likely bottlenecked somewhere with your other hardware.


>>I am not that good with computers, if this is a serious matter could you elaborate a little more? What should I upgrade in my computer to unburden my GPU?


Also, do you know what that Lukas_detect_life thing is about? That was one of the things that was showing an error in the papyrus script logs

Edited by david35207
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