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Realism - First Person Mods?


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EDIT: It seems like the entire time I've overlooked "Real 1st Person View" Gonna give it a shot, at the most I thought it only affected the visible character body in first person view.

But the request for reactions to environmental events is still on the table! :D





I'm curious to know, are there mods that affect the first person view for walk/run/sprint animations? Despite the number of fantastic immersion mods that are out, I fail to find one that changes the first person wobble and sway involved in normal walk/run speeds, especially during environmental hazards.


The sprint wobble is a bit underwhelming (I guess I've been playing too much battlefield here lately... :P ) and the lack of slight tunnel vision rubs off as a bit odd to me.


I've enjoyed the survival mods out there, and when I'm walking around my camp in the middle of a blizzard trying to warm up my frozen limbs - the fact I walk/run around like a spectral being, never stumbling despite the snowstorm and high winds, kills the immersion for me a bit!



I hope the community can help shed the light on this for me :) Thanks!


Edited by Redoubt9000
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