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Game freeze 30-40 seconds before loading


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Issue: When causing the game to make a transition, is the best way I can categorize it, it visually freezes for 30 - 40 seconds before eventually continuing as normal. I can still hear the ambient audio and music without stuttering or chopping, the game itself visually freezes.


Situations where a freeze happens:

-Creating a Save File


-Loading into a new Instance(Interior/Exterior etc)

-Fast traveling


The freeze does not happen when loading into a save file.


I think it may have something to do with removing a mod/s with Vortex. I noticed when I remove a Mod in Vortex, it doesn't delete the loose files in the game folder so I go in and try to do it manually, and I may not be getting them all I'm not sure, and I guess that would cause an issue. I've also recently changed my treefadedistance to 1,500,000 in the Skyrimprefs.ini so I wouldnt see Lods so close by, would having that many more rendered trees cause instability? I'll note the same thing happened after I went through the installation of Dyndolod and then went through Hell uninstalling it. This same issue actually made me go and do a clean reinstall which immediately anyway fixed the issue, but now its returned. I'll put my PC specs as well,


AMD FX 9320 cpu

nVidia GTX 970 gpu

16gb DDR3 RAM


Do you need a Mod list?

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I think it may have been an ini setting. I used the STEP Guide to go over mine and saw one bit that any value over 80 for imingrasssize could cause problems, and I set mine to 90 thinking it would help on performance. I edited a few others then tried playing again and the freezes didn't happen that session.

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