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Dawn of a new age


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Dawn of a new age



Basically, cyrodiils gone to hell, people being beaten to death at the side of the road, disease is rife, death stalks the land. None of the other provinces will help for one reason or another and the last of the true empire is hauled up in bruma slowly starving to death. There is no law.


Long version:

It is the 78th year of the 5th era, a century ago the world was saved from Alduin's rage. The events which followed were similarly destructive. The death of the emperor fueled the empires hate for the rebels and a hero killed ulfric, but the war didn't end. The legacy of Ulfric stormcloak was carried on for over 20 years, an impressive feat, but the thalmor marched in and slaughtered the rebels. The Thalmor turned it's attention back to the empire. Their puppet had out lived it's usefulness and the thalmor were going to put it down once and for all. But they underestimated the resolve of men. Enraged by the senseless slaughter of the stormcloaks, many nords rised to destroy the thalmor, forming a fragile alliance with the empire. The Thalmor seized the imperial city and began to butcher many of the inhabitants. The remaining soldiers of the empire fled to skyrim, where they bolstered the nord's ranks. The Nords of skyrim and the Redguards of Hammerfell, which had long resisted the Thalmor, assisted the imperials by reseizing cyrodille. Slowly the Thalmor were driven back as the Khajjit and the Argonians joined in the conflict, fueled by bitter rage at being enslaved by elves for mellenia. The Thalmor were outmatched and out numbered, and despite making a brave stand and killing many, they were overwhelmed and conquered.


After 10 years of gaining political respect again, the empire decided to try and reform its self, at at first it went well, skyrim was contemplating joining and the argonians were going to join to gain protection from the dark elves, who had since managed to begin to rebuild on morrowind, for the argonians feared they would be enslaved. But it was not to be. The empire quickly fell apart after a coup in which the emperors brother attempted to usurp the throne. A civil war ensued. Friend fought friend, brother fought brother, and people often changed sides... if they could tell which side they were on in the first place. Finnally, after several years of conflict, the usurper won, dethroning his brother he claimed the empire as his own. But even he would not be on the throne for long. A mere four years after claiming it, a man marched into the imperial city with an army and butchered everyone in the palace. That sparked a large conflict empire wide, soldiers returning home from assisting the nords against the forsworn (Who had grown in size) started butchering each other on the road side, soldiers in forts slaughtered each other and in the ensueing chaos there were many desertions. Many dissadents and bandits used this chaos to seize cities, and slowly the empire devolved into a province of warring states. This continues until today, though the players change, the objective is the same, and power always finds a place to rest its head.

Morrowind has been all but rebuilt by the dark elves now living there and though they are slowly edging towards the temple once more, they are generally more tolerant of outlanders now. The dark elves have turned the red mountain into a fortress, should they ever be invaded again, the attackers would have to fight to the death for every inch of land.


Skyrim is reporting less and less dragon sightings, and generally those of the dragons who have survived thus far have hidden themselves away. The forsworn have been all but obliterated. The nords are generally now in a time of peace, except the occasional bandit raid or drunken brawl, there isn't much going on. This has prompted some nords (and many orcs) to move to cyrodiil to fight in the conflict.


Black marsh is fearing an attack from the dark elves, and although this has not yet came, they are building up forces on the northen border. This prompted the dark elves to send forces to the border, tensions are growing and some fear a war.


The status in cyrodiil


The imperial city is under the control of the largest group called the 'loyalists' though in truth, they are just a bunch of rouges who managed to seize the imperial city and now believe they are the empire.


Kavatch will have been rebuilt and is controlled by a group called 'The order of magic' generally formed by a large number mages who bolster their rankes with many conjured creatures and undead. Their leader is an old man who believes that the only way to stop this madness is to destroy the other factions utterly.


Cheydenhal is controled by a well equipped group using the nearby mines (There seems to be a lot near cheydenhal) to create armour and weapons. The 'Knights of the thorn' named after a group made over 3 centuries ago, believe in chivalry and valour, and that their quest given by the nine divines themselves is to safegaurd the empire..


Anvil is controlled by a group of pirates who sailed into the port and seized the town, raiding passing ships and stoping all imports and exports into the imperial city, they are making a large profit, but are not the strongest. The 'Maruders' are opponents who specilize in quick attacks at specific points and deep strike behind enemy lines.


Bravil is controlled by a small group, whose leader has her heart in the right place, but lacks the strength to properly defend her lands. The 'Alliegence' was formed to defend Bravi's people recently and their leader would gladly give her life for her people


Leyawiin is commanded by a orc brute who is prone to shocking acts of cruelity and evil, the force under his command is large and they are brutish, they throw large numbers of troops into battle to over come enemies. Crudely named the 'Choppa boyz', these evil bandits do exactly what their name says. Their thought process is 'Kill, Pillage, burn!'


Chorrol is controlled by a young man who leads a small sized group which defends its self and is slowly being weakend away. Lacking any true experince, this trader turned soldier is slowly becoming depressed. Generally, their army is made up of stable boys, farmers and traders, in short, it is no army. Known as the 'Chorrol militia', this force is prehapes the most inefficent in cyrodiil. Most have seen too many winters... or too few...


Bruma is controlled by an ex-legate of the legion, a man with strict military attitude, the leaders of this faction are the last true legionaires who control the last true part of the empire. As such, they call themselves 'The true imperial legion'. Their strong willed and skilled fighters who are still dedicated to the empire and wish to see an emperor back on the throne. They are training their recruits well and are prehapes the best soldiers of the factions, but because of their position they could starve as bruma's landscape isn't good for farming. If one could simply block the supplies being brought in from hammerfell and skyrim (Who are supporting the empire in this conflict, but refuse to send troops)


Skingrad is controlled by a small group of people known as the 'Black Brigade' Their leader is a man who craves conflict and is widely regarded to be mad for his visions of grandeur and insane ambition, but this masks a relentless and intelligent leader who would gladly kill all who stand in his way without a second thought.


The sommerset isles have been occupied by soldiers from hammerfell and skyrim, the empire had soldiers there, but they pulled out when the civil war started. Many killed each other on the road over conflicting views. Whole battalions defected.



1: No insta-kills

2: Killing characters is allowed, as long as it is done fairly. No "Jim stabs jack straight through the heart and throws him over the edge of a random giant cliff"

3: Don't god mod, if your character has never fired a bow, they are not going to be god the second they pick one up. Likewise, if your character hasn't got much strength, they can't pick up someone and chuck them across the room. You can't have your character block everything, people get hit.

4: Don't just go round killing everyone for no reason at all.

5: Sex is to be kept out of the thread, I don't want to hear the details, and I don't think most other people do either

6: Magic is powerful, but that doesn't make it an instant win card. Conjuring a giant fire ball takes concentration, and would be hard when someones trying to kill you.

7: I don't mind people having seats of power, but it has to make sense. No one is going to be god emperor of the doom at 19

8: Absoloustly no breaking the rules!

9: Remember rule 8.

10: Small OOC is allowed in the rp thread, but only if accompanied by a post.


Playable races:

Altmer (high elf)


Bosmer (wood elf)


Dunmer (dark elf)




Orsimer (orcs)







Character sheet:




Occupation (Jarl, leader of one of the factions in cyrodiil, soldier, theif, farmer, bandit, anything):


Age (be reasonable, I seriously doubt one has been around since the dawn of time):















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I'm interested for sure, but the second rule is a bit unclear. Is it the usual "don't kill someone else's character without their permission" or is it letting us kill others without permission? If it's the latter, this RP has a good chance of degenerating really fast if there's a major engagement, with RPers killing each other randomly and unfairly.


Second, are there alliances between anyone? The Knights of the Thorn could make fast friends with the Alliegance or the Chorrol Militia, as they'd want to protect regular/decent folks.

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I'm interested for sure, but the second rule is a bit unclear. Is it the usual "don't kill someone else's character without their permission" or is it letting us kill others without permission? If it's the latter, this RP has a good chance of degenerating really fast if there's a major engagement, with RPers killing each other randomly and unfairly.


Second, are there alliances between anyone? The Knights of the Thorn could make fast friends with the Alliegance or the Chorrol Militia, as they'd want to protect regular/decent folks.


Sorry, that is unclear, what I mean is death happens when there is no way to escape, just like it happens. Being stuck in a small gap and having an arrow volley launched at your character means their dead (Unless you have some way of surviving like having a shield) Hopefully this won't degenerate into that, if it does, the usual rule will be brought it


Hmm. I didn't think of that... that was a stupid over look on my part. Sorry.

Edited by Brutii
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No need to apologise, everyone makes mistakes. That sounded cheesy :wallbash:


I feel really smart pointing all that out though. And saying that, somewhat arrogant :wallbash:


Edit: As for the age thing, Undead, Dragons, and possibly Dremora can live for a long time. A thousand-year-old undead isn't unrealistic, but they would've been dead the whole time, so it's not like they have infinite wisdom. As for dragons, they'll be dwindling, but the survivors will probably be the older ones that have had to go into hiding before. That's just my guess, though. :facepalm:

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Undead can be made by any necromancer, and you get as many new liches as you do old ones, so i think the whole being an undead is down to the person creating one... sure you could go over the top and make them 5 trillion, but i think most sensible people would give them a reasonable age.


As for dremora, they do live forever, as all daedra do. Death is nothing to the daedra, as killing there physical form simply sends them back to the waters of oblivion, where they "regenerate" for loss of a better word. I suppose the time it takes to regenerate could vary greatly, seconds, years, millennia. Who knows?


I think that alliances between the factions will be set up by whomever decides to rp as the leaders of them, it's more interesting to let bonds like that develop in the RP, as opposed to having everything set in stone before we begin.


Anyway, i'll have a sheet up soon.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Hmm......I like the premise of this role-play. I shall conjure up a character sheet! I will try to keep my posts as qualitative as possible.



NAME: Raelondenar


OCCUPATION: Legion Stealth Operative for the remaining Imperials in Bruma. Theft, assassination, speechcraft, if it's under the radar, it's on his resume. He does either solo or group missions.


AGE: 315 (See the "Race" spot.)




RACE: Aldmeri (High Elven) vampire of the Cyrodiilic variety


PERSONALITY: One of the few vampires in the world that one could truly consider "noble". Thanks to a strong friendship with the secretly vampiric former count of Skingrad, Janus Hassildor, he has shared said companion's views that vampirism is either an outright curse or a twisted sort of blessing depending on how one deals with it. Viewing vampires who give in to their animalistic bloodlust as more wild animal than anything else, he as learned to cope with his urges over the years. Also, being very pragmatic, he is unlike most vampires in the sense that he speaks in plain terms whenever he can afford it. Realizing that not everyone knows every forty-drake word in the dictionary and that the common talk is both easier and quicker, he leaves his higher vocabulary for his written reports and when interacting with intellectuals. As for his morals regarding feeding, he only feeds when about to go on a mission involving lots of mingling, and only does so on ne'er-do-wells.


WEAPON: Being an Altmer (vampire or not) means inherent magical talent most of the time. Thus, as a stealthy worker for the Legion, Raelondenar employs the tools of the Nightblade's trade, mixing together the arts of both magical and physical stealth. His best magical schools are Illusion, Alteration, and Destruction. His physical weaponry consists of an ebony stiletto (short blade used for silent up-close kills), a slightly shortened ebony katana for proper combat should he need find himself in the situation. Also of course, his ebony bow and matching arrows.


APPEARANCE: While originally a darker yellow akin to parchment as a mortal, the shade brightened to more of a lemon color upon becoming a vampire. Staying in tune with the usual properties of Cyrodiilic vampires, his face is either more flushed and mortal-looking or paler and radically gaunt depending on when his last feeding was. There is a deep claw-mark scar down the left side of his face from the vampire that turned him. Also of course, the trademark red eyes and fangs. His hereditary vampiric powers also obey the feeding clock. Being pragmatic, he keeps himself completely clean shaven. This means no hair on the head, on the face, or anywhere else as he prefers not to risk being yanked into a blade by a wayward lock or beard. Other than that, he is of course naturally fit and muscular as per his job requirement and his enhanced vampiric metabolism. His build however is kept slim as his job demands speed and dexterity more than brute force.


ARMOR: A specially-tailored suit of scaled glass designed to give maximum protection possible while still staying flexible enough to contour to the wearer's body and give maximum dexterity. He keeps it rubbed down with a special dull paste to stave off the glass's natural luster. Cuirass is enchanted to reduce costliness of destruction spells, helmet and greaves likewise for alteration and illusion spells respectively. Right gauntlet enchanted to improve marksmanship, and the left to improve blade skill. Boots enchanted to make him a bit faster. Two magic rings, one for enhanced sneaking, and the other for an intelligence boost, allowing for better concentration when casting spells and better general decision making.


HISTORY/BACKGROUND: Born in Skyrim as the son of a Dunmeri father and an Aldmeri mother who were both devout believers in the Nine Divines and the Empire, Raelondenar enjoyed a happy enough childhood and, thanks to his parents' noblepeople's status, the best schooling one could ask for in his hometown of Solitude. He grew to love the Empire and the Divines and what they stand for, and decided to actively contribute by enlisting in the Legion when he turned eighteen as a scout. After a few years, he built enough of a reputation among the Imperial brass as being one of the best scouts they had, and was invited to become a full operative which encompassed any kind of stealthy or delicate matter one could think of. Passing all the tests handily, rose to become quite a renowned and respected agent by the time he was thirty-four. Then, one fateful day while he was stationed in the Imperial City in Cyrodiil, he and two other strong agents and friends were sent on a mission to oust a powerful vampire who had decided to take up residence close to the town of Chorrol in Old Colovia. The den was one of the many abandoned forts, this one in particular being Fort Carmala. The mission was completed, but not before Raelondar got his helmet ripped off and took a nasty scrape down the left side of his face and contracted the dreaded Vampire's Disease, Porphyric Hemophilia. The infection from the powerful vampire proved to strong for what scant potions the group still had after fighting the patriarch's minions and they all had virtually exhausted their magicka reserves and thus couldn't conjure up any curing spells. While infections from weaker vampires take as many as three days to fully take hold, the ancient vampire's infection wasn't a typical one. Despite his teammates' best efforts to get him to Chorrol chapel in time to save him, the priest's verdict when they got him there merely one day later was that he was already turned and needed to be put down. Refusing to accept this, his teammates, with the priest's help of a very strong spell to keep him under, secretly whisked him away back to the Imperial City where the Palace's healers gave their ruling. Sadly, it was the same as the Chorrol priest's. Having now given up on trying to rescue him, his friends helped in the preparation to terminate him before he awoke and could make trouble. One of the elder priests, however, took pity on the agent and, as he put it, heard that little voice inside every person's mind telling him to preservehim. Through a convoluted excuse to keep him alive for experimental purposes, the priests, a couple of open-minded high-ranking Legion officers, and his friends all worked toward helping him come to terms with his condition. The friends knew the officers would be delighted to have a reliable agent with vampiric magical, physical, and intellectual acumen on top of having already been trained and experienced. The beginning wasn't pretty of course, but eventually one of the Imperial scholars with a bit of a shady past mentioned the vampiric Count of Skingrad and how he led a much more civilized life than the common vampire. At the start, Count Hassildor helped Raelondenar more out of a stoic sense of duty than out of a friendly want, but the High Elf eventually came to grow on him. By the time Hassildor disappeared after the Empire's post-Alduin degeneration, presumably dead, Raelondenar had three centuries of expertise as an Imperial agent with him. Even as a vampire, Raelondenar remained loyal to the Empire. Although feeling personally severed from the Nine Divines in the normal way thanks to his dark nature, he has no hate for those who practice and preach it or any other religion. As per the present-day, he resides in Bruma with the small remnant of the true Empire therein.

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Wow, I wrote a book, didn't I? Don't worry though, even though i have high-quality equipment, I know how to act like an experienced soldier instead of a god-modder. I also know just how weak a vampire has the potential to be. I just like to play these types of characters. If I have someone like this as one of my top agents, I mean......why wouldn't I give him the best equipment possible to boot?
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Got my character here. This is my first time playing an important character, so bear with me. (trying something new is always good.)



Name: Rilgomm


Occupation: Leader of the Knights of the Thorn.


Age: 52


Gender: Male


Race: Nord


Personality: Rilgomm has a noble spirit, believing in the virtues of justice, sacrifice, and valiance. Despite being a Nord, Rilgomm doesn't judge those by their race or gender, but instead by their actions. If somebody is a member of a group of bandits, such as the choppa boyz or the pirates from Anvil, however, he doesn't give them much (if any) time to explain themselves. (And that's if they came in peace.) Being a Nord, Rilgomm of course believes in the nine, and the Daedra. (He's not a daedra worshipper, but he acknowledges their existance.) and is used to the outdoors. He is uncomfortable with undead, necromancers, and most daedra worshippers. As for his viewpoint on politics, he believes that the Empire should be re-formed, with some changes, as Cyrodiil was very peaceful and (mostly) united when they had all been part of the Empire, which had been created by Talos. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) but finds politics to be petty and frivolous. He prefers to lead by example.


Weapon: A double-edged steel war axe, shaped like a dragon (Akatosh) with the wings as the blades. For long-range encounters, he has a hunting bow and some arrows, but isn't a particularily good shot. He is quite skilled with his axe and shield, however, and knows how to use his shield to resist damage from magic and block arrows. For injuries, Rilgomm knows adept-level restoration magic, specifically healing spells.


Appearance:Shoulder-length, straight brown hair streaked with gray. His face is covered in stubble, some gray, but mostly brown. He is very fair-skinned, but has a tan from his time spent outdoors. His eyes are a bright, electric blue. Despite his age, Rilgomm still has the body of a soldier, being a burly, muscular man standing around six feet tall, with broad shoulders. His nose is straight, but covered in small scars, and there is a finger-sized, slightly curved scar on his upper left forehead, the result of a close call during an insignificant fight.


Armour: Steel plate armor, without the fur loincloth, and a Steel shield, wearing a blue cape embroidered with a symbol of the knights of the thorn (A sword with a vine wrapped around it.) which identifies him as their leader.


History/Biography (Correct me if I mess up the timeline somehow.): Rilgomm was born in Skyrim, specifically Markarth. As a result, he is used to forests as well as cold winters. He grew up during the war between men and the Thalmor, but wasn't the age to fight until around the time the Empire tried to reform itself. When the coup happened, his family was lucky enough to be one of the few not to be torn apart by infighting. He spent a few years of his adult life quelling the Forsworn, which were a serious problem in Markarth and the Reach. When word came from Cyrodiil about the constant civil war and chaos, Rilgomm travelled there to see how he could help. He eventually met a fellow Nord woman named Greiri, whom he married and bore several children with. They currently all live in Cheydinhal. Rilgomm joined the Knights of the Thorn when he saw for himself the plight of Cyrodiil, what the Empire had devolved into. He rose through the ranks over several years, and became the leader upon the death of his predecessor. His four children are now all of age, two boys and two girls, who were brought up with heavy influence from their father, despite his being often absent. Rilgomm and Greiri have raised them to be fair and kind, yet strong and hard-working. Rilgomm is currently attempting to establish relations with Alliegance, the Chorrol Militia, and the True Imperial Legion, seeking to strengthen them, and for the first two, protect them as well. He is turning out to be a popular leader, so far.

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Name: Rend


Occupation: Agent of Hircine


Age: 25


Gender: Male


Race: Imperial (perhaps?) Usually appears in Werewolf form


Personality: Rend was bred by Hircine for the sole purpose of carrying out his will. His personality is a best nonexistent, and at worst bloodthirsty.


Weapon: Good old fashioned Lycanthrope attacks


Appearance: 8ft, lupine, dark brown hair covering the whole of his body. Not many have lived to see him walk in his mortal form, though they say he looks just as savage as his wolf form.


Armor: Good old fashioned lycanthrope hide, with regenerative properties of course.


History/Biography: He was still in his mothers womb when she was sacrificed to the Daedric Lord Hircine. His should was transported to the Hunter Grounds, where Hircine took this great opportunity and raised this infant as his own. Rend grew up knowing Hircine as a father, master, and benefactor, capable of giving him anything he desired for unflinching loyalty. He of course was raised in his beast form, and virtually never shifted to his human self. He grew to believe that his true self was the wolf, and the man was simply a disguise he could use when needed. For 18 long years Hircine taught him everything he needed to know about anatomy, weaponry, deceit, tactics, and hunting so that one day he could do his bidding on the mortal plane.


With the Empire in shambles, Hircine has deemed his the perfect time for Rend to take what he wants.




Villain character? :devil:

Edited by nethgros
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No need to apologise, everyone makes mistakes. That sounded cheesy :wallbash:


I feel really smart pointing all that out though. And saying that, somewhat arrogant :wallbash:


Edit: As for the age thing, Undead, Dragons, and possibly Dremora can live for a long time. A thousand-year-old undead isn't unrealistic, but they would've been dead the whole time, so it's not like they have infinite wisdom. As for dragons, they'll be dwindling, but the survivors will probably be the older ones that have had to go into hiding before. That's just my guess, though. :facepalm:


Undeath is a good way to live a long time, though undead are still sort of dead, thus they only live until their bodies rot to dust. Except Vampires... they just live until their killed. Dremora are Daedra, Daedra are immortal, they will be around from when their master makes them until their master unmakes them. Dragons are a touchy subject, I think they are immortal, because once their killed they can be brought fully back to life (Not as undead, but literally back again) so I'd compare them to daedra in that they would be around from when akatosh made them until he unmakes them. Time perspective changes, a dremora could feel like it's regenerating for seconds, but actually months or even years pass.


Hmm......I like the premise of this role-play. I shall conjure up a character sheet! I will try to keep my posts as qualitative as possible.



NAME: Raelondenar


OCCUPATION: Legion Stealth Operative for the remaining Imperials in Bruma. Theft, assassination, speechcraft, if it's under the radar, it's on his resume. He does either solo or group missions.


AGE: 315 (See the "Race" spot.)




RACE: Aldmeri (High Elven) vampire of the Cyrodiilic variety


PERSONALITY: One of the few vampires in the world that one could truly consider "noble". Thanks to a strong friendship with the secretly vampiric former count of Skingrad, Janus Hassildor, he has shared said companion's views that vampirism is either an outright curse or a twisted sort of blessing depending on how one deals with it. Viewing vampires who give in to their animalistic bloodlust as more wild animal than anything else, he as learned to cope with his urges over the years. Also, being very pragmatic, he is unlike most vampires in the sense that he speaks in plain terms whenever he can afford it. Realizing that not everyone knows every forty-drake word in the dictionary and that the common talk is both easier and quicker, he leaves his higher vocabulary for his written reports and when interacting with intellectuals. As for his morals regarding feeding, he only feeds when about to go on a mission involving lots of mingling, and only does so on ne'er-do-wells.


WEAPON: Being an Altmer (vampire or not) means inherent magical talent most of the time. Thus, as a stealthy worker for the Legion, Raelondenar employs the tools of the Nightblade's trade, mixing together the arts of both magical and physical stealth. His best magical schools are Illusion, Alteration, and Destruction. His physical weaponry consists of an ebony stiletto (short blade used for silent up-close kills), a slightly shortened ebony katana for proper combat should he need find himself in the situation. Also of course, his ebony bow and matching arrows.


APPEARANCE: While originally a darker yellow akin to parchment as a mortal, the shade brightened to more of a lemon color upon becoming a vampire. Staying in tune with the usual properties of Cyrodiilic vampires, his face is either more flushed and mortal-looking or paler and radically gaunt depending on when his last feeding was. There is a deep claw-mark scar down the left side of his face from the vampire that turned him. Also of course, the trademark red eyes and fangs. His hereditary vampiric powers also obey the feeding clock. Being pragmatic, he keeps himself completely clean shaven. This means no hair on the head, on the face, or anywhere else as he prefers not to risk being yanked into a blade by a wayward lock or beard. Other than that, he is of course naturally fit and muscular as per his job requirement and his enhanced vampiric metabolism. His build however is kept slim as his job demands speed and dexterity more than brute force.


ARMOR: A specially-tailored suit of scaled glass designed to give maximum protection possible while still staying flexible enough to contour to the wearer's body and give maximum dexterity. He keeps it rubbed down with a special dull paste to stave off the glass's natural luster. Cuirass is enchanted to reduce costliness of destruction spells, helmet and greaves likewise for alteration and illusion spells respectively. Right gauntlet enchanted to improve marksmanship, and the left to improve blade skill. Boots enchanted to make him a bit faster. Two magic rings, one for enhanced sneaking, and the other for an intelligence boost, allowing for better concentration when casting spells and better general decision making.


HISTORY/BACKGROUND: Born in Skyrim as the son of a Dunmeri father and an Aldmeri mother who were both devout believers in the Nine Divines and the Empire, Raelondenar enjoyed a happy enough childhood and, thanks to his parents' noblepeople's status, the best schooling one could ask for in his hometown of Solitude. He grew to love the Empire and the Divines and what they stand for, and decided to actively contribute by enlisting in the Legion when he turned eighteen as a scout. After a few years, he built enough of a reputation among the Imperial brass as being one of the best scouts they had, and was invited to become a full operative which encompassed any kind of stealthy or delicate matter one could think of. Passing all the tests handily, rose to become quite a renowned and respected agent by the time he was thirty-four. Then, one fateful day while he was stationed in the Imperial City in Cyrodiil, he and two other strong agents and friends were sent on a mission to oust a powerful vampire who had decided to take up residence close to the town of Chorrol in Old Colovia. The den was one of the many abandoned forts, this one in particular being Fort Carmala. The mission was completed, but not before Raelondar got his helmet ripped off and took a nasty scrape down the left side of his face and contracted the dreaded Vampire's Disease, Porphyric Hemophilia. The infection from the powerful vampire proved to strong for what scant potions the group still had after fighting the patriarch's minions and they all had virtually exhausted their magicka reserves and thus couldn't conjure up any curing spells. While infections from weaker vampires take as many as three days to fully take hold, the ancient vampire's infection wasn't a typical one. Despite his teammates' best efforts to get him to Chorrol chapel in time to save him, the priest's verdict when they got him there merely one day later was that he was already turned and needed to be put down. Refusing to accept this, his teammates, with the priest's help of a very strong spell to keep him under, secretly whisked him away back to the Imperial City where the Palace's healers gave their ruling. Sadly, it was the same as the Chorrol priest's. Having now given up on trying to rescue him, his friends helped in the preparation to terminate him before he awoke and could make trouble. One of the elder priests, however, took pity on the agent and, as he put it, heard that little voice inside every person's mind telling him to preservehim. Through a convoluted excuse to keep him alive for experimental purposes, the priests, a couple of open-minded high-ranking Legion officers, and his friends all worked toward helping him come to terms with his condition. The friends knew the officers would be delighted to have a reliable agent with vampiric magical, physical, and intellectual acumen on top of having already been trained and experienced. The beginning wasn't pretty of course, but eventually one of the Imperial scholars with a bit of a shady past mentioned the vampiric Count of Skingrad and how he led a much more civilized life than the common vampire. At the start, Count Hassildor helped Raelondenar more out of a stoic sense of duty than out of a friendly want, but the High Elf eventually came to grow on him. By the time Hassildor disappeared after the Empire's post-Alduin degeneration, presumably dead, Raelondenar had three centuries of expertise as an Imperial agent with him. Even as a vampire, Raelondenar remained loyal to the Empire. Although feeling personally severed from the Nine Divines in the normal way thanks to his dark nature, he has no hate for those who practice and preach it or any other religion. As per the present-day, he resides in Bruma with the small remnant of the true Empire therein.


High elves are known as altmer, aldermeri is the name of the empire from the 2E and the 4E and an ancient race which were the ancestors of the altmer.



Name: Rend


Occupation: Agent of Hircine


Age: 25


Gender: Male


Race: Imperial (perhaps?) Usually appears in Werewolf form


Personality: Rend was bred by Hircine for the sole purpose of carrying out his will. His personality is a best nonexistent, and at worst bloodthirsty.


Weapon: Good old fashioned Lycanthrope attacks


Appearance: 8ft, lupine, dark brown hair covering the whole of his body. Not many have lived to see him walk in his mortal form, though they say he looks just as savage as his wolf form.


Armor: Good old fashioned lycanthrope hide, with regenerative properties of course.


History/Biography: He was still in his mothers womb when she was sacrificed to the Daedric Lord Hircine. His should was transported to the Hunter Grounds, where Hircine took this great opportunity and raised this infant as his own. Rend grew up knowing Hircine as a father, master, and benefactor, capable of giving him anything he desired for unflinching loyalty. He of course was raised in his beast form, and virtually never shifted to his human self. He grew to believe that his true self was the wolf, and the man was simply a disguise he could use when needed. For 18 long years Hircine taught him everything he needed to know about anatomy, weaponry, deceit, tactics, and hunting so that one day he could do his bidding on the mortal plane.


With the Empire in shambles, Hircine has deemed his the perfect time for Rend to take what he wants.




Villain character? :devil:


Okay, somehow I think hircine would have just scewered the child but what the heck



Got my character here. This is my first time playing an important character, so bear with me. (trying something new is always good.)



Name: Rilgomm


Occupation: Leader of the Knights of the Thorn.


Age: 52


Gender: Male


Race: Nord


Personality: Rilgomm has a noble spirit, believing in the virtues of justice, sacrifice, and valiance. Despite being a Nord, Rilgomm doesn't judge those by their race or gender, but instead by their actions. If somebody is a member of a group of bandits, such as the choppa boyz or the pirates from Anvil, however, he doesn't give them much (if any) time to explain themselves. (And that's if they came in peace.) Being a Nord, Rilgomm of course believes in the nine, and the Daedra. (He's not a daedra worshipper, but he acknowledges their existance.) and is used to the outdoors. He is uncomfortable with undead, necromancers, and most daedra worshippers. As for his viewpoint on politics, he believes that the Empire should be re-formed, with some changes, as Cyrodiil was very peaceful and (mostly) united when they had all been part of the Empire, which had been created by Talos. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) but finds politics to be petty and frivolous. He prefers to lead by example.


Weapon: A double-edged steel war axe, shaped like a dragon (Akatosh) with the wings as the blades. For long-range encounters, he has a hunting bow and some arrows, but isn't a particularily good shot. He is quite skilled with his axe and shield, however, and knows how to use his shield to resist damage from magic and block arrows. For injuries, Rilgomm knows adept-level restoration magic, specifically healing spells.


Appearance:Shoulder-length, straight brown hair streaked with gray. His face is covered in stubble, some gray, but mostly brown. He is very fair-skinned, but has a tan from his time spent outdoors. His eyes are a bright, electric blue. Despite his age, Rilgomm still has the body of a soldier, being a burly, muscular man standing around six feet tall, with broad shoulders. His nose is straight, but covered in small scars, and there is a finger-sized, slightly curved scar on his upper left forehead, the result of a close call during an insignificant fight.


Armour: Steel plate armor, without the fur loincloth, and a Steel shield, wearing a blue cape embroidered with a symbol of the knights of the thorn (A sword with a vine wrapped around it.) which identifies him as their leader.


History/Biography (Correct me if I mess up the timeline somehow.): Rilgomm was born in Skyrim, specifically Markarth. As a result, he is used to forests as well as cold winters. He grew up during the war between men and the Thalmor, but wasn't the age to fight until around the time the Empire tried to reform itself. When the coup happened, his family was lucky enough to be one of the few not to be torn apart by infighting. He spent a few years of his adult life quelling the Forsworn, which were a serious problem in Markarth and the Reach. When word came from Cyrodiil about the constant civil war and chaos, Rilgomm travelled there to see how he could help. He eventually met a fellow Nord woman named Greiri, whom he married and bore several children with. They currently all live in Cheydinhal. Rilgomm joined the Knights of the Thorn when he saw for himself the plight of Cyrodiil, what the Empire had devolved into. He rose through the ranks over several years, and became the leader upon the death of his predecessor. His four children are now all of age, two boys and two girls, who were brought up with heavy influence from their father, despite his being often absent. Rilgomm and Greiri have raised them to be fair and kind, yet strong and hard-working. Rilgomm is currently attempting to establish relations with Alliegance, the Chorrol Militia, and the True Imperial Legion, seeking to strengthen them, and for the first two, protect them as well. He is turning out to be a popular leader, so far.


Accepted, nice sheet :)

Edited by Brutii
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