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Is my Lich ok so far?


I personally think he is fine... relief not having the usual evil lich.


@Macman: Indeed, a history is kind of essential, even if it is a tiny one. Also, just a small not, you can't be born a werewolf, it's a disease that can only be obtained by catching the werewolf strain of lycanthropy, or drinking the blood of a werewolf, as seen by the circle is skyrim.


Glad to hear it, Mythic. I am trying to keep it from getting OP, but thing is, a Lich is powerful, he's a being kept going by Magic, but I am having difficulty finding much on a Lich.



You won't find anything more, apart from sketchy details on the ritual, lichs have never been talked about in detail.


EDIT: Actually, the only other thing explained in detail is how to kill/weaken a lich. Destroying the object with their soul in apparently leaves them open to being killed and weakens them.

Edited by Brutii
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OK, well I hope its all right.


Name: Alexandra “Alex”

Occupation : Enforcer of the marauders.

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Race: Redguard

Class: Pirate

Alignment: (felt like adding it) Chaotic neutral

Personality: Alexandra was never really a sociable type, even as a child she only got on with a select few. She is quick to get aggressive but is always reasonable and calm when a descent amount of gold is presented to her. She is also known to have a slightly....lusty nature, sometimes flirty...but only really enjoys the thrills. She loves all things shiny and gold and will do anything to get her hands on it. Alexandra is very brusque towards strangers or just anyone who gets in her way. If anyone questions her or what she is doing she simply ignores or threatens them, the only people she really socializes with is the Marauders, beggars and other pirates.

Weapon: Captain Kordans Saber and a silver dagger usually smeared with poisons.

Appearance: Alexandra is a mature looking woman with a height of 5”10. She is in pretty fit shape and is quite muscular. She has plump lips and a wide nose. Alexandra has bags under her eyes, barely covered by thick black mascara. She would probably have a more attractive face if she took more care for it, which she doesn’t, she has a small Y shaped scar below her eye. Her hair is usually in a simple ponytail.

Armour: Alexandra only really ever wears light armour or clothing. She usually wears her leather corset revealing some of her bust and slightly skinny leather trousers. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR_-vs6qMlLk-eR2NmJ2m-chnfY7JZwplPfCgpCN8Ux6nMwaa2A She sometimes wears leather armour.

History/Biography: Alexandra was born in a small hamlet known as Gweden, originally Gweden farm, two houses were built around it. Her mother worked at the farm there and her father was a “courier”. She always used to love wandering the forest, looking over at anvil the imperial city...wishing she could live there, be wealthy, rich...famous perhaps. As she started to mature she became slightly aggressive, disliking her drab life at Gweden. She rarely saw her father as he was often “out” Her mother was...reasonably kind, a little strict but she could just about live with her. The neighbours, an imperial man and younger his brother, and the slightly odd argonian inn owner never really talked with her...although one day, the innkeeper eavesdropped on a conversation of Alexandra’s father and another rough looking man. What they talked about certainly didn’t sound lawful...legal even. Her dad was a pirate...an outlaw...a menace to society. When the innkeeper told her of her pirating father she was overjoyed....gold..jewels...gems and treasure. Her eyes sparkled at the thought. She eagerly waited for her father to return, wanting to be a pirate just like him...ignorant to the fact that he was an outlaw. Weeks had passed....and he usually came by every turdas. Not this week...not the week after...not the week after that. She became worried and somewhat bored and so in the middle of the night she took her dagger, put on her travel armour and went searching the docks of anvil looking for her father. She searched and searched and searched and nothing was to be found...after giving up...she came back towards gweden farm but when she approached Fort Strand, she heard screaming...it was a man. She crouched around the corner of the fort to see that her father was being tortured by the rough looking man in the in. She walked up towards the man and plunged her sliver dagger right into his back, she pulled the dagger from his innards and watch him fall to the ground. She ran up to her father, who was close to death...trying to aid him, forcing healing potions down his throat. He just spat it out and screamed “Stop! Its too late! I’m a dead man Alexandra and you know I am!”

“No please don’t die! I want to be a pirate! Just like you! We...we can work togeth—“

“No! No! Im dying can’t you see! It’s too damn late! Here...take this *passing captain kordans saber*it’s a great sword...use it well” He said bursting in tears.

And with that...she took the sword...went back to gweden and cried her eyes out...she lay on the floor of the basement, the sword lay next to her. She could her a slight creaking of her mother’s bed and her mother rushed down to the basement to see what was wrong. “Alex dear! Its 4 in the morning, whats wr—“ She said, noticing her husband’s sword.

“ Dads gone! Someone...someone....KILLED HIM, MUM!”

Her mother began to cry.

“At least he is avenged...” Said Alexandra, beginning to calm down more

“Yes....yes he is....” She said, wiping the last few tears away.

Days later the town gathered for his funeral, his gravestone now lays outside her house.

Her life was now depressing...the most exciting thing that happened since the funeral was the harvest season. She knew that she was not fit for the life of a farmer, she left her mother a note, gathered a ship and a crew and started her life as a pirate, aiding the marauders of anvil her identity only known as “Alex”.


Her crew is-


Her- Captain Alex

Firstmate Ryan. An intelligent, persuasive man.

Dag-lee the deckswabber. Thick as a brick but good with a broom.

Stanley the Stout. A fat, surly man but an excellent chef.

Mitchell. Strong, tall, good with a blade.

J’Raska. Wrong minded, cocky, good with stealth.

Moordoon. A strange peculiar man, good knowledge...not so great with a weapon.

Shawn the filthy. Serious lack of hygiene, his vile smell and knowledge of poisons repels many people.

Calvin. Burly, belligerent and thick.

Hector. Skilled with double wielding, insulting and snobbish.

Cecil the Pathetic. A very short Breton but is actually quite tough, gets mocked on a regular basis.

Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Is my Lich ok so far?


I personally think he is fine... relief not having the usual evil lich.


@Macman: Indeed, a history is kind of essential, even if it is a tiny one. Also, just a small not, you can't be born a werewolf, it's a disease that can only be obtained by catching the werewolf strain of lycanthropy, or drinking the blood of a werewolf, as seen by the circle is skyrim.


Glad to hear it, Mythic. I am trying to keep it from getting OP, but thing is, a Lich is powerful, he's a being kept going by Magic, but I am having difficulty finding much on a Lich.



You won't find anything more, apart from sketchy details on the ritual, lichs have never been talked about in detail.


EDIT: Actually, the only other thing explained in detail is how to kill/weaken a lich. Destroying the object with their soul in apparently leaves them open to being killed and weakens them.


So.. there's no Problems? Also, does the object have to be with the lich? Or can it be in the now blocked-off area of the old ruins he was in? Cause that can be dug out, so it's not impossible to kill or severely weaken him.

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OK, well I hope its all right.


Name: Alexandra “Alex”

Occupation : Enforcer of the marauders.

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Race: Redguard

Class: Pirate

Alignment: (felt like adding it) Chaotic neutral

Personality: Alexandra was never really a sociable type, even as a child she only got on with a select few. She is quick to get aggressive but is always reasonable and calm when a descent amount of gold is presented to her. She loves all things shiny and gold and will do anything to get her hands on it. Alexandra is very brusque towards strangers or just anyone who gets in her way. If anyone questions her or what she is doing she simply ignores or threatens them, the only people she really socializes with is the Marauders, beggars and other pirates.

Weapon: Captain Kordans Saber and a silver dagger usually smeared with poisons.

Appearance: Alexandra is a mature looking woman with a height of 5”10. She is in pretty fit shape and is quite muscular. She has plump lips and a wide nose. Alexandra has bags under her eyes, barely covered by thick black mascara. She would probably have a more attractive face if she took more care for it, which she doesn’t, she has a small Y shaped scar below her eye. Her hair is usually in a simple ponytail.

Armour: Alexandra only really ever wears light armour or clothing. She usually wears her leather corset revealing some of her bust and slightly skinny leather trousers. She sometimes wears leather armour.

History/Biography: Alexandra was born in a small hamlet known as Gweden, originally Gweden farm, two houses were built around it. Her mother worked at the farm there and her father was a “courier”. She always used to love wandering the forest, looking over at anvil the imperial city...wishing she could live there, be wealthy, rich...famous perhaps. As she started to mature she became slightly aggressive, disliking her drab life at Gweden. She rarely saw her father as he was often “out” Her mother was...reasonably kind, a little strict but she could just about live with her. The neighbours, an imperial man and younger his brother, and the slightly odd argonian inn owner never really talked with her...although one day, the innkeeper eavesdropped on a conversation of Alexandra’s father and another rough looking man. What they talked about certainly didn’t sound lawful...legal even. Her dad was a pirate...an outlaw...a menace to society. When the innkeeper told her of her pirating father she was overjoyed....gold..jewels...gems and treasure. Her eyes sparkled at the thought. She eagerly waited for her father to return, wanting to be a pirate just like him...ignorant to the fact that he was an outlaw. Weeks had passed....and he usually came by every turdas. Not this week...not the week after...not the week after that. She became worried and somewhat bored and so in the middle of the night she took her dagger, put on her travel armour and went searching the docks of anvil looking for her father. She searched and searched and searched and nothing was to be found...after giving up...she came back towards gweden farm but when she approached Fort Strand, she heard screaming...it was a man. She crouched around the corner of the fort to see that her father was being tortured by the rough looking man in the in. She walked up towards the man and plunged her sliver dagger right into his back, she pulled the dagger from his innards and watch him fall to the ground. She ran up to her father, who was close to death...trying to aid him, forcing healing potions down his throat. He just spat it out and screamed “Stop! Its too late! I’m a dead man Alexandra and you know I am!”

“No please don’t die! I want to be a pirate! Just like you! We...we can work togeth—“

“No! No! Im dying can’t you see! It’s too damn late! Here...take this *passing captain kordans saber*it’s a great sword...use it well” He said bursting in tears.

And with that...she took the sword...went back to gweden and cried her eyes out...she lay on the floor of the basement, the sword lay next to her. She could her a slight creaking of her mother’s bed and her mother rushed down to the basement to see what was wrong. “Alex dear! Its 4 in the morning, whats wr—“ She said, noticing her husband’s sword.

“ Dads gone! Someone...someone....KILLED HIM, MUM!”

Her mother began to cry.

“At least he is avenged...” Said Alexandra, beginning to calm down more

“Yes....yes he is....” She said, wiping the last few tears away.

Days later the town gathered for his funeral, his gravestone now lays outside her house.

Her life was now depressing...the most exciting thing that happened since the funeral was the harvest season. She knew that she was not fit for the life of a farmer, she left her mother a note, gathered a ship and a crew and started her life as a pirate, aiding the marauders of anvil her identity only known as “Alex”.


Her crew is-


Her- Captain Alex

Firstmate Ryan. An intelligent, persuasive man.

Dag-lee the deckswabber. Thick as a brick but good with a broom.

Stanley the Stout. A fat, surly man but an excellent chef.

Mitchell. Strong, tall, good with a blade.

J’Raska. Wrong minded, cocky, good with stealth.

Moordoon. A strange peculiar man, good knowledge...not so great with a weapon.

Shawn the filthy. Serious lack of hygiene, his vile smell and knowledge of poisons repels many people.

Calvin. Burly, belligerent and thick.

Hector. Skilled with double wielding, insulting and snobbish.

Cecil the Pathetic. A very short Breton but is actually quite tough, gets mocked on a regular basis.


Accepted, a nice character and I see she has a decent weapon.

Edited by Brutii
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In my recent post, I had Neh'Taniel cast a spell, hoping to severely wound and possibly cause fear in the werewolf. I acknowledge such a thing would be OP, and this is why I have incapacitated Neh'Taniel for at least a few RP-Hours.


Also, If it is possible, can this fight end soon, please? I want to progress with the story, if it is possible. This werewolf is a bit over-resistant to attack? Is that a nice way to put it? A werewolf, one who could change at will, can still die. An ordinary weapon can kill it too, same as silver, enchanted or Daedric, In skyrim, I've killed a werewolf with an Iron Sword on a dare. It wasn't easy, but it is possible. As my werewolf Chars, I have been mobbed down after awhile, and bloodlust only lasts for awhile if a werewolf does not feed. By now, he should be running low, if my counts and research are correct. If he was fueled by Hircine, likely possessing the Ring of Hircine, he would simply gain and additional transformation per day. I hope I am not coming across as confrontational, because that is not my intention. I simply wish to express that I feel this fight is getting a little out of hand. Can something please be done about this? I hope that I am not coming across as an arse or anything.

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As much as I like to avoid these things, I'd have to agree to the whole "damage-resistant" thing. If Rend is so angry or caught-up in being a wolf that pain is dulled or even eliminated, then that's fine, and possibly an explanation for how he's gone this far. But even the most powerful werewolf you can be isn't resistant to damage, the closest thing you get is a 100 point health bonus. Rend has been hit several times, with a well-made weapon (the axe), from an experienced warrior already, plus his entire group of people, and even if all they did was tear the skin Rend would be damaged quite a bit by now. Mind you, my only problem with him is the ungodly damage resistance so far, as long as you don't go too far with Hircine being his adopted father. (I imagine a Daedric lord would use all their believers as pawns, and nothing more.) Otherwise killing several men before being brought down, even if it takes about ten seconds, isn't completely unrealistic.
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Yeah, wrapping it up real soon. His rage should be wearing thin now.
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This looks real promising, bringing out an old favorite of mine.


Name: Baltis Llervu


Occupation (Jarl, leader of one of the factions in cyrodiil, soldier, theif, farmer, bandit, anything): Mage (Necromancer), former Telvanni nobleman


Age (be reasonable, I seriously doubt one has been around since the dawn of time): born 3E 397 (So around 340 years old)


Gender: Male


Race: Dunmer Lich


Personality: Baltis is fairly reserved initially and very touchy when it comes to personal subjects but is a very snide and sarcastic character that is not afraid to speak his mind once he gets to know his companions. His sheer age and his Telvanni heritage makes him fairly arrogant as well and though he has a pretty abrasive personality to most people his tendency to be right most of the time when he mocks someone softens the blows considerably and makes him far more tolerable.


Weapon: Silver cane sword, with a Daedroth head carving and a soul gem focus crystal.


Appearance: Llervu stands at around 6' 2" with jet black hair that drops to about shoulder height when he disguises his lichdom, his eyes are the typical piercing crimson of the Dunmer with a high cheekbone, sharp jaw angle and thin, pointed nose. His beard is made short and just slightly pointed to accentuate the angular nature of his face with a full circle mustache around his mouth. When he is in his true form his face is mostly rotted with very sparse, matted hair and glowing orbs of green energy for eyes. On one side of his face some of the muscles of his cheek are rotted away and the inner workings of his mouth can be seen through the gaps between the fibers of muscle and sinew (think "The Mummy" as Imhotep is almost fully revived, but one soul away).


Armour: Llervu wears a heavy travel cloak over a slightly lighter mage's robe that is red with black trimmings around the cuffs and hem with a thick leather belt about his waist inset with crimson gems that he uses to store excess magical energies. He wears dark leather calf-height boots.


History/Biography: Llervu was born 34 years before the return of the Nerevarine into the family of a Telvanni peasant. As a young boy he was recognized for having an unusual aptitude for magics, though highly untrained, and a remarkable and indomitable will. As a result he became an apprentice and assistant for the local apothecary in Tel Aruhn and was trained in the arts of potion making and identifying the alchemical properties of local flora and fauna. As he aged and progressed in these relatively mundane magical arts, he was then taken to a spellmaker and enchanter's shop to learn more at the age of 14 where he again showed remarkably apt for a peasant boy. It was not long before the nobles of house Telvanni noticed this curious young boy in the venerable institution that they commonly purchased spells from. A noble resolved to tutor Baltis in the arts of conjuration, mysticism and destruction. By the age of 18 Baltis was adept at all forms of magic but particularly proficient in summoning beasts and altering the various properties of the world through telekinesis and other forms of mysticism. He also showed a somewhat, dark curiosity with magic. As he became more and more of a rising magician he was made to perform tasks for house Telvanni from constructing spells to delivering messages and packages to even eliminating spies and threats. Llervu became a nobleman in his own right by age 26 through hard work and diligence and nearly a master of the arts of conjuration and mysticism. His new found power, freedom and influence afforded him some very nice perks as well as the opportunity to construct his own tower near Tel Aruhn. Llervu never aspired to rise further in house Telvanni, he was content with his knowledge of the arcane arts and his ability to get what he wanted and needed as it was, he cared not for the responsibility of leading the house. Baltis's independence allowed him to begin examining an old curiosity of his: necromancy. His authority allowed him to inquire about it without receiving major repercussions and he could trust that people would keep their mouths shut and he began to learn more and more about this dark art. He began acquiring slaves to experiment on and soon had a small force of resurrected thralls that served him. They were merely a curiosity for him for awhile. Then the Oblivion crisis occurred and he resolved to do something about it. He had no ambitions of stopping the whole crisis altogether but he would gladly slam shut a gate or two if it meant expanding his skills and his own alchemical stores. He shut three gates near Telvanni strongholds all the while gathering ingredients, corpses and texts from the various Daedric strongholds he passed through until at last he was ready to make his final transition from powerful necromancer to lich. As it so happened he picked the very day that the oblivion crisis was ended to undergo his transformation. Deep underground in a grotto Baltis began the dark ritual which lasted for nearly a month, transforming himself into the epitome of undeath. When Llervu resurfaced he left house Telvanni, preferring to test his new powers than to waste them on mundane experiments. Ever since Llervu has been wandering, selling potions, ingredients and spells on his journeys and observing the events of his world. He witnessed the Thalmor invading the Redguard homeland and then later the dragon crisis. His powers grew and now he wanders still, but a new hunger has awoken in him. He hungers once more for power, not just over the arts but for power over people, to truly rule. He has no designs of being Emperor but he wishes for power and a seat at the chess board.

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This looks real promising, bringing out an old favorite of mine.


Name: Baltis Llervu


Occupation (Jarl, leader of one of the factions in cyrodiil, soldier, theif, farmer, bandit, anything): Mage (Necromancer), former Telvanni nobleman


Age (be reasonable, I seriously doubt one has been around since the dawn of time): born 3E 397 (So around 340 years old)


Gender: Male


Race: Dunmer Lich


Personality: Baltis is fairly reserved initially and very touchy when it comes to personal subjects but is a very snide and sarcastic character that is not afraid to speak his mind once he gets to know his companions. His sheer age and his Telvanni heritage makes him fairly arrogant as well and though he has a pretty abrasive personality to most people his tendency to be right most of the time when he mocks someone softens the blows considerably and makes him far more tolerable.


Weapon: Silver cane sword, with a Daedroth head carving and a soul gem focus crystal.


Appearance: Llervu stands at around 6' 2" with jet black hair that drops to about shoulder height when he disguises his lichdom, his eyes are the typical piercing crimson of the Dunmer with a high cheekbone, sharp jaw angle and thin, pointed nose. His beard is made short and just slightly pointed to accentuate the angular nature of his face with a full circle mustache around his mouth. When he is in his true form his face is mostly rotted with very sparse, matted hair and glowing orbs of green energy for eyes. On one side of his face some of the muscles of his cheek are rotted away and the inner workings of his mouth can be seen through the gaps between the fibers of muscle and sinew (think "The Mummy" as Imhotep is almost fully revived, but one soul away).


Armour: Llervu wears a heavy travel cloak over a slightly lighter mage's robe that is red with black trimmings around the cuffs and hem with a thick leather belt about his waist inset with crimson gems that he uses to store excess magical energies. He wears dark leather calf-height boots.


History/Biography: Llervu was born 34 years before the return of the Nerevarine into the family of a Telvanni peasant. As a young boy he was recognized for having an unusual aptitude for magics, though highly untrained, and a remarkable and indomitable will. As a result he became an apprentice and assistant for the local apothecary in Tel Aruhn and was trained in the arts of potion making and identifying the alchemical properties of local flora and fauna. As he aged and progressed in these relatively mundane magical arts, he was then taken to a spellmaker and enchanter's shop to learn more at the age of 14 where he again showed remarkably apt for a peasant boy. It was not long before the nobles of house Telvanni noticed this curious young boy in the venerable institution that they commonly purchased spells from. A noble resolved to tutor Baltis in the arts of conjuration, mysticism and destruction. By the age of 18 Baltis was adept at all forms of magic but particularly proficient in summoning beasts and altering the various properties of the world through telekinesis and other forms of mysticism. He also showed a somewhat, dark curiosity with magic. As he became more and more of a rising magician he was made to perform tasks for house Telvanni from constructing spells to delivering messages and packages to even eliminating spies and threats. Llervu became a nobleman in his own right by age 26 through hard work and diligence and nearly a master of the arts of conjuration and mysticism. His new found power, freedom and influence afforded him some very nice perks as well as the opportunity to construct his own tower near Tel Aruhn. Llervu never aspired to rise further in house Telvanni, he was content with his knowledge of the arcane arts and his ability to get what he wanted and needed as it was, he cared not for the responsibility of leading the house. Baltis's independence allowed him to begin examining an old curiosity of his: necromancy. His authority allowed him to inquire about it without receiving major repercussions and he could trust that people would keep their mouths shut and he began to learn more and more about this dark art. He began acquiring slaves to experiment on and soon had a small force of resurrected thralls that served him. They were merely a curiosity for him for awhile. Then the Oblivion crisis occurred and he resolved to do something about it. He had no ambitions of stopping the whole crisis altogether but he would gladly slam shut a gate or two if it meant expanding his skills and his own alchemical stores. He shut three gates near Telvanni strongholds all the while gathering ingredients, corpses and texts from the various Daedric strongholds he passed through until at last he was ready to make his final transition from powerful necromancer to lich. As it so happened he picked the very day that the oblivion crisis was ended to undergo his transformation. Deep underground in a grotto Baltis began the dark ritual which lasted for nearly a month, transforming himself into the epitome of undeath. When Llervu resurfaced he left house Telvanni, preferring to test his new powers than to waste them on mundane experiments. Ever since Llervu has been wandering, selling potions, ingredients and spells on his journeys and observing the events of his world. He witnessed the Thalmor invading the Redguard homeland and then later the dragon crisis. His powers grew and now he wanders still, but a new hunger has awoken in him. He hungers once more for power, not just over the arts but for power over people, to truly rule. He has no designs of being Emperor but he wishes for power and a seat at the chess board.



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